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DDG - Compilation

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    Originally posted by Rexxx View Post
    Tra i miei gruppi preferiti......

    non fate commenti su biancaneve che sono geloso!!! :da2:

    :gaen:come si f? a non farci un commento, mi voglio ottavo nanno e farmi sculacciare pure io


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      de solito co questa spacco nicosa!!!



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        Originally posted by thor74 View Post
        :gaen:come si f? a non farci un commento, mi voglio ottavo nanno e farmi sculacciare pure io

        St? buono.... :sar5:


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          Originally posted by ragnos View Post
          de solito co questa spacco nicosa!!!



          rimanendo in tema di musiche chillout..

          questa un altra delle mie preferite..


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            e anche questa...



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              ahaha...vedo la musica della messa della domenica !!!

              indimenticabili i loro concerti con tanto di lanciafiamme a mo' di collare del cantante!! dei tamarri in senso bonario unici nel loro genere!

              oggi per? sono sulla sponda sabbiosa dei D(d)T...odiati ed amati..
              a ME ME PIACIONO!


              specialmente i loro testi...eccetto gli ultimi 3 (o 4 ) albumZ...

              Sometimes, for a moment of bliss
              And the passion, we're craving
              There's a message we miss
              Sometimes when, the spirits left alone
              We must believe in something
              To find if we've grown

              Tragic reflex, shattered calm
              Static progress, senses gone
              Numb awareness, final psalm

              Swept away with the tide
              (Swept away with the tide)
              Through the holes in my hands
              (Through the holes in my hands)
              Crown of thorns at my side
              (Crown of thorns at my side, yeah, yeah, yeah)
              Drawing lines in the sand

              Sometimes, if you're perfectly still
              You can hear the virgin weeping
              For the savior of your will
              Sometimes, your castles in the air
              And the fantasies you're seeking
              Are the crosses you bear

              Sacred conflict, blessed prize
              Weeping crosses, stainless eyes
              Desperate addict, faith disguised

              Swept away with the tide
              (Swept away with the tide)
              Through the holes in my hands
              (Through the holes in my hands, yeah)
              Crown of thorns at my side
              (Crown of thorns at my side)
              Drawing lines in the sand

              We fabricate our demons
              Invite them into our homes
              Have supper with the aliens
              And fight the war alone
              We conjure up our skeletons
              Enlist the den of thieves
              Frightened from our closets
              Then sewn upon our sleeves

              In the stream of consciousness
              There is a river crying
              Living comes much easier
              Once we admit
              We're dying

              Sometimes, in the wreckage of our wake
              There's a bitterness we harbor
              And hate for hatred's sake
              Sometimes we dig an early grave
              And crucify our instincts
              For the hope we couldn't save

              Sometimes a view from sinless eyes
              Centers our perspective
              And pacifies our cries
              Sometimes the anguish we survive
              And the mysteries we nurture
              Are the fabrics of our lives

              Swept away with the tide
              (Swept away with the tide, yeah)
              Through the holes in my hands
              (Through the holes, holes in my hands)
              Crown of thorns at my side


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                Ich werde in die Tannen gehen
                Dahin wo ich sie zuletzt gesehen
                Doch der Abend wirft ein Tuch aufs Land
                und auf die Wege hinterm Waldesrand
                Und der Wald er steht so schwarz und leer
                Weh mir, oh weh
                Und die V?gel singen nicht mehr

                Ohne dich kann ich nicht sein
                Ohne dich
                Mit dir bin ich auch allein
                Ohne dich
                Ohne dich z?hl ich die Stunden ohne dich
                Mit dir stehen die Sekunden
                Lohnen nicht

                Auf den ?sten in den Gr?ben
                ist es nun still und ohne Leben
                Und das Atmen f?llt mir ach so schwer
                Weh mir, oh weh
                Und die V?gel singen nicht mehr

                Ohne dich kann ich nicht sein
                Ohne dich
                Mit dir bin ich auch allein
                Ohne dich
                Ohne dich z?hl ich die Stunden ohne dich
                Mit dir stehen die Sekunden
                Lohnen nicht ohne dich


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                  Originally posted by Rexxx View Post
                  St? buono.... :sar5:
                  :gaen:son Sardo(quindi basso ? perfetto per fare l'ottavo nanno), non so stare buono

                  :gaen:e poi bianca neve ? bianca neve


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                        Last edited by thor74; 02-02-12, 15:55.


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                            Originally posted by thor74 View Post
                            ti stimo!!


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                              2nite @zoom club Bologna:

                              CI VADI CHI PU????????????!!

                              04 - 05 Feb 12 ? [[ TRANSFORMER ]] < NEELIX live >Spintwist rec. from Hamburg ? Bologna City (Italy) ? goabase


                              maledetto maltempo ( e soldini)

                              neelix mi mancheraaaaiiiiiiiiii!!!
                              Last edited by tales5; 04-02-12, 06:59.


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