..per chi avesse seguito il 3d di ferro: qulacuno li conosce?
io provato ad acquistare un kawa 636 del 2004 a 4196 euro, spedizioni comprese..
ecco come sta andando:
mia prima mail:
--please send me info about the payment, and about the document for the matriculation of the motorbike in Italy
The bike come with all document that you need for register the bike in Italy.
Delivery time 5 days,
For payment:
Here is our bank account:
Name: Anuta Encea
Account number(Iban): ES74 2100 2202 6120 0102 5838
Swift Code(Bic): CAIXESBBXXX
Bank Name: LA CAIXA
All you have to do is to go to your bank and give them this details and transfer the money from your accout to our account.
Please send us the scanned paper from your bank in this email address as soon as you make the transfer.
This will help us to verify the payment and speed up the transaction.
altra mia mail, dove chiedo come mai il negozio ? a lisbona, ma c'? un numero di tel spagno le la banca ? in spagna, inoltre chiedo se posso andare la io direttamente e prendere la moto:
Hi, please gve me some information...so i can pay secure..
why the shop is in lisbon and the bank in madrid?
can i go here and buy the motorbike?
answer me please.
thank you
loro risposta:
The store is located in Lisabon but we have a office in Spain.
We have a international bank account in Spain
We will ship the bike from Lisabon.
In max 12 hours after you make the payment to our bank
account we will provide you the traking number from
World Wide Online Transporatation .After you make the payment please send us the
paper scaned from your bank.
If you not receive the traking number in max 12 hours
you can cancel the order and you receive the money
Best Regards
..capito gli amici?sul fatto di andare di persona a prenderla non si pronunciano...
ora mi chiedo come fanno a scappare se il conto esiste e tutto quanto..come si puo' andare a fondo e capirci qualcosa in una cosa del genere?
io provato ad acquistare un kawa 636 del 2004 a 4196 euro, spedizioni comprese..
ecco come sta andando:
mia prima mail:
--please send me info about the payment, and about the document for the matriculation of the motorbike in Italy
The bike come with all document that you need for register the bike in Italy.
Delivery time 5 days,
For payment:
Here is our bank account:
Name: Anuta Encea
Account number(Iban): ES74 2100 2202 6120 0102 5838
Swift Code(Bic): CAIXESBBXXX
Bank Name: LA CAIXA
All you have to do is to go to your bank and give them this details and transfer the money from your accout to our account.
Please send us the scanned paper from your bank in this email address as soon as you make the transfer.
This will help us to verify the payment and speed up the transaction.
altra mia mail, dove chiedo come mai il negozio ? a lisbona, ma c'? un numero di tel spagno le la banca ? in spagna, inoltre chiedo se posso andare la io direttamente e prendere la moto:
Hi, please gve me some information...so i can pay secure..
why the shop is in lisbon and the bank in madrid?
can i go here and buy the motorbike?
answer me please.
thank you
loro risposta:
The store is located in Lisabon but we have a office in Spain.
We have a international bank account in Spain
We will ship the bike from Lisabon.
In max 12 hours after you make the payment to our bank
account we will provide you the traking number from
World Wide Online Transporatation .After you make the payment please send us the
paper scaned from your bank.
If you not receive the traking number in max 12 hours
you can cancel the order and you receive the money
Best Regards
..capito gli amici?sul fatto di andare di persona a prenderla non si pronunciano...
ora mi chiedo come fanno a scappare se il conto esiste e tutto quanto..come si puo' andare a fondo e capirci qualcosa in una cosa del genere?
