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BSB Mallory Park - Josh Brookes ? un danno!

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    [QUOTE=flavietto155;5453095]mah....ho visto il filmato...premesso e non concesso che purtroppo si ? ritrovato chiuso nel momento peggiore (tipo variante di monza), ha steso 1 pilota, e non come viene raccontato, 6. Gli altri sono scivolati subito dopo, forse sorpresi della caduta. A questo punto mi vien da pensare che chi ha scritto l'articolo si sia affidato a un altra fonte piuttosto che a vederla direttamente. Brookes ? arrivato a velocit? doppia perch? chiuso nella staccata ha dovuto mollare al volo i freni, e riprendendoli, ha perso il controllo. gli altri sono scivolati dopo....ora me lo rivedo ma...credo si sia trovato un p? troppo il capo espiatorio...

    EDITO: l'errore ? ben evidente in staccata, ? arrivato troppo forte...per? non mi sento di dargli la colpa delle altre cadute, ma solo quella di Andrews (il che gi? di per s? ? grave intendiamoci...), anche perch? i due piloti airwaves sono passati, poi un altro si ? steso....[/QUOTE]

    gia meglio...


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      Ha voluto ritardare un pò troppo la staccata. Parecchio però!


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        anche x me la pista ? sporca... e magari il materiale (olio e/o acqua) viene dalla moto di Brookes

        posso capire che 1 si impappini se gli cadono davanti... ma 4 mi paiono troppi

        complimenti direttamente od indirettamente ha fatto un bello strike


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            Walker went out wider than I have seen anyone go before so I went up the inside close to him. I was going in very hot but the bump on the entry kicked my bike sideways and I was a passenger. I don't know the track that well and to be honest the place is dangerous.

            "This crash has been taken out of proportion. I was not to blame for the incident at Donington Park. I want to make it very clear that my brakes failed and there was nothing I could do. I have said I am very sorry about Sylvain.

            praticamente ha detto quello che ho detto io, che si è ritrovato chiuso nel momento peggiore......poro brookes


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              By David Miller
              Picture by: Double Red
              At the risk of upsetting HM Plant Honda's team manager Havier Beltran, a man who I have a lot of respect and time for, it is time for Honda to stop hiding.

              Josh Brookes is copping a load of shit for the Mallory crash. Yes, he made a mistake, has been penalised for it and no-one was hurt. However, if his team had properly backed him up and ADMITTED brake failure at Donington Park right at the start and not had to have it wheelded out of them, with a mumbled 'yes is was a brake pressure issue' to both myself and live on Eurosport later, then Josh wouldn't be the villain he is now.

              At Donington Park, Josh had no brakes and because of that, he crashed into Sylvain Guintoli. There is some speculation that the pair were going too fast for a sighting lap, that maybe so. Guintoli has made some errors too. Click here for his punting off of Alex Hoffman at Laguna Seca.

              But the simple fact is the Donington Park crash was not Josh Brookes' fault. Did his team jump to his defence immediately. Er, no they didn't. Did they issue a big statement an hour later saying THIS CRASH WAS NOT OUR RIDER'S FAULT? Er, no, they didn't.

              What they did was defend their brand by saying nothing and making their rider into a panto villain which was exacerbated at Mallory where Josh messed up. Big Jack Valentine was understandably deeply upset that his stand-in rider Tommy Hill fell off in the melee. But that's what it was, a melee after the event. Josh didn't pile into a pack of riders.

              e credo che questo editoriale scagioni DEFINITVAMENTE brookes dall'incidente di Donington Park


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                Originally posted by flavietto155 View Post
                By David Miller
                Picture by: Double Red
                At the risk of upsetting HM Plant Honda's team manager Havier Beltran, a man who I have a lot of respect and time for, it is time for Honda to stop hiding.

                Josh Brookes is copping a load of shit for the Mallory crash. Yes, he made a mistake, has been penalised for it and no-one was hurt. However, if his team had properly backed him up and ADMITTED brake failure at Donington Park right at the start and not had to have it wheelded out of them, with a mumbled 'yes is was a brake pressure issue' to both myself and live on Eurosport later, then Josh wouldn't be the villain he is now.

                At Donington Park, Josh had no brakes and because of that, he crashed into Sylvain Guintoli. There is some speculation that the pair were going too fast for a sighting lap, that maybe so. Guintoli has made some errors too. Click here for his punting off of Alex Hoffman at Laguna Seca.

                But the simple fact is the Donington Park crash was not Josh Brookes' fault. Did his team jump to his defence immediately. Er, no they didn't. Did they issue a big statement an hour later saying THIS CRASH WAS NOT OUR RIDER'S FAULT? Er, no, they didn't.

                What they did was defend their brand by saying nothing and making their rider into a panto villain which was exacerbated at Mallory where Josh messed up. Big Jack Valentine was understandably deeply upset that his stand-in rider Tommy Hill fell off in the melee. But that's what it was, a melee after the event. Josh didn't pile into a pack of riders.

                e credo che questo editoriale scagioni DEFINITVAMENTE brookes dall'incidente di Donington Park
                onestamente non so chi sia questo David Miller, per cui non posso dare un valore a questo pezzo superiore ad altri che sono circolati in internet quando successe l'incidente i quali riportavano che la storia del problema ai freni era una balla. Illuminami


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                  emm,, non conosce le piste..sta ritardando un po le traiettorie !!


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                    Originally posted by TheBlueMask View Post
                    onestamente non so chi sia questo David Miller, per cui non posso dare un valore a questo pezzo superiore ad altri che sono circolati in internet quando successe l'incidente i quali riportavano che la storia del problema ai freni era una balla. Illuminami
                    editorialista di bcs uno dei pi? importanti siti di informazione motociclistica fatto che lui parli apertamente del fatto che la storia dei freni fosse vera (il problema c'? stato e anche brookes l'ha detto) ma che il team ha smentito, a mio modo di vedere, detta da lui, ? vera


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                      Originally posted by TheBlueMask View Post
                      aspetta la prima parte l'ho scritta io, volevo metterla un po' sull' filmato l'ho visto ovviamente, volevo solo intendere che dal suo errore si ? scatenato un incidente che ha coinvolto i primi 6 piloti..mi sono espresso un po' male. Ritengo comunque che l'errore di Brookes sia molto grave, se colpiva Andrews qualche centimetro pi? in l? non so cosa rimaneva della sua gamba. Oltretutto ? recidivo, dopo il fattaccio di Donington.

                      EDIT: Brookes ? stato squalificato dal BSB per due gare.
                      azzz ben 2 gare???


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                        da come è caduto sembra ci fosse olio..

