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Una vite lenta la causa della morte di Martin Finnegan

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    Una vite lenta la causa della morte di Martin Finnegan

    BBC News - Loose bolt blamed over Martin Finnegan death

    Loose bolt blamed over Martin Finnegan death

    The inquest into the death of one of Ireland's top road racers has found that in all probability a loose bolt caused his brakes to fail.

    Martin Finnegan was killed at the Tandragee 100 in May 2008.

    His wife, Brenda, said she was satisfied with the outcome which she said had cleared her husband's name.

    She said it was unfortunate that the family had to put together the case to establish there was nothing Martin could have done to prevent the crash.

    Reflecting on the evidence given at the inquest on Monday, experts came to an agreed conclusion that "if Martin did not suffer a severe 'tank slap' in all probability the cause of the failure was a loose banjo bolt".

    No further witnesses were called on Tuesday given that the experts reached an agreed conclusion.

    The coroner, John Leckey concluded that "in all probability a loose banjo bolt was the cause of the failure of the front brake".

    Mr Leckey thanked Mr Finnegan's wife and all witnesses for attending the inquest.

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    questa ? una "banjo bolt" come quelle citate


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      certo...sono passati gi? 3anni e mezzo


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        Sar? anche vero ma come ? possibile che si sviti inavvertitamente una vite che si stringe a 23nm se in acciaio ( e dubito usassero ergal)?
        Sembra una cosa assurda...


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          Tutti hanno sostenuto come causa dell'incidente di Finnegan un guasto meccanico.
          Farquhar, che seguiva Finnegan in quella gara, aveva visto del fumo provenire dalla parte posteriore della moto ma non f? capace di stabilire se potesse essere olio motore o altro.
          Il luogo dell'incidente ? una curva lenta a destra e il povero Martin fin? lungo sul terrapieno a bordo strada e la sua moto fer? anche 2 spettatori.

          Finalmente sappiamo che non f? un errore di guida di Martin Finnegan.
          Come spesso capita nei motori un incidente tragico ha cause molto semplici e banali.

          Rip #45
          Heroes are remembered, legends never die.

