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Ma è sempre meglio partecipare no?
"actually i was on drugs yesterday"
"my brake markers were all fucked up, I didn't know where I was going!"
"i'm a hard motherfucker"
"i think 9th till 16th are a bunch of pussies!"
"i'm not gay if that's the question!"
"well. i hear jorge is a whore. don't give me wrong.. I've never seen him with a woman!..Ben.. never seen him with a woman ever in my life!... I like the thing that he likes the Ben.. but...."
"i know Cal has Lucy, she's cute.. I'd do her"
non capisco bene bene l'italiano, figuriamoci l'inglese
"actually i was on drugs yesterday" in effetti ieri ero sotto l'effetto di droghe!
"my brake markers were all fucked up, I didn't know where I was going!" i miei riferimenti per la frenata erano andati affanc@lo, non avevo idea di dove stessi andando!
"i'm a hard motherfucker" sono un duro figlio di putt@na!
"i think 9th till 16th are a bunch of pussies!"penso che dal 9 al 16 siano un branco di fighette!
"i'm not gay if that's the question!"se la domanda ? se sono gay la risposta ? no!
"well. i hear jorge is a whore. don't give me wrong.. I've never seen him with a woman!..Ben.. never seen him with a woman ever in my life!... I like the thing that he likes the Ben.. but...."
beh, ho sentito che Jorge ? una putt@n@. non fraintendetemi...non l'ho mai visto con una donna!.. Ben.. mai visto con una donna in vita mia!... mi fa piacere il fatto che a Jorge piaccia Ben ma..."
"i know Cal has Lucy, she's cute.. I'd do her" so che Cal ha Lucy, ? carina.. io me la farei!