senza voler creare diatribe...e senza assumermi la paternit? di nulla... 

nel non vi va bene quello che fanno in motogippi...gli mandate una mail..e non rompete a me
vorrei solo sottolineare come Furusawa..gia nel 2003...inseriva i dati in un calcolatore per le simulazioni di moto e telaio, per sviluppare l m1 di vale

quindi direi che oggi lo dovrebbero usare ancora TUTTI in motogp 
Yamaha engineering guru Masao Furusawa on the arrival of Valentino Rossi
"During this season we've learned a lot about what is good and what is not so good for the current M1 bike, verifying with engineering analysis from our measured data. Some of that data will be put into a computer simulation to further develop the bike until Valentino becomes available in January. Of course more time would be welcome but I believe the M1 can easily be adapted to suit his needs, even with a limited time frame during a race weekend. The M1 is a bike that can be adjusted to each rider's preference with its adjustable steering position, adjustable pivot location for the rear arm, etc.
in un altro sito fa notare come ci siano addirittura diverse saldature sui forcelloni di moto della stessa squadra per variare qualcosa... ci sono le foto...e citano ancora i calcolatori..

MotoGP Tech Talk - Swingarms
Bend Like A Tree
The chassis should bend like a tree according to Yamaha legend Engineer Masao Furusawa.
A longer chassis creates a long lever, which allows flex to be designed more gradually, accurately and effectively.
So just how do MotoGP Engineer?s work out the right amount of strength, stiffness, flex and in what plane or direction?
Well, Engineers increasingly evaluate huge amounts of data in MotoGP, which can be measured, quantified and related to the bikes performance.
However it?s difficult to quantify what the rider feels and it?s this conundrum that ensures race engineering remains a balance between an empirical art and science.
Subsequently the factories go through an incredible amount of research and development to settle on the motorcycles overall handling performance.
Computer aided engineering tools such as Finite Element Analysis are used by Engineers to test designs in the virtual space. The whole bike is modelled in 3D CAD and deflection; stress, vibration, buckling, etc can be tested and validated before making physical parts.
In the end though, racing is a head game and it really all comes down to what the rider feels.
senza voler far polemica eh...lo sottolineo ancora..
giusto per dire che forse gli ingegneri della motogp usano strumenti abbastanza complicati per essere spiegati da noi esseri inferiori guardando 2 foto ..e affermando che non ci capiscono una minghia a notare ,nell altro box (mica da 2 foto..loro ce le hanno live a 2 metri di distanza
) come si deve modificare la propria moto per farla andare come si deve 

p.s non fate i braccini...cliccate sui link e leggetevi il non ci riuscite lo traducete direttamente con il browser.

vorrei solo sottolineare come Furusawa..gia nel 2003...inseriva i dati in un calcolatore per le simulazioni di moto e telaio, per sviluppare l m1 di vale

Yamaha engineering guru Masao Furusawa on the arrival of Valentino Rossi
"During this season we've learned a lot about what is good and what is not so good for the current M1 bike, verifying with engineering analysis from our measured data. Some of that data will be put into a computer simulation to further develop the bike until Valentino becomes available in January. Of course more time would be welcome but I believe the M1 can easily be adapted to suit his needs, even with a limited time frame during a race weekend. The M1 is a bike that can be adjusted to each rider's preference with its adjustable steering position, adjustable pivot location for the rear arm, etc.
in un altro sito fa notare come ci siano addirittura diverse saldature sui forcelloni di moto della stessa squadra per variare qualcosa... ci sono le foto...e citano ancora i calcolatori..

MotoGP Tech Talk - Swingarms
Bend Like A Tree
The chassis should bend like a tree according to Yamaha legend Engineer Masao Furusawa.
A longer chassis creates a long lever, which allows flex to be designed more gradually, accurately and effectively.
So just how do MotoGP Engineer?s work out the right amount of strength, stiffness, flex and in what plane or direction?
Well, Engineers increasingly evaluate huge amounts of data in MotoGP, which can be measured, quantified and related to the bikes performance.
However it?s difficult to quantify what the rider feels and it?s this conundrum that ensures race engineering remains a balance between an empirical art and science.
Subsequently the factories go through an incredible amount of research and development to settle on the motorcycles overall handling performance.
Computer aided engineering tools such as Finite Element Analysis are used by Engineers to test designs in the virtual space. The whole bike is modelled in 3D CAD and deflection; stress, vibration, buckling, etc can be tested and validated before making physical parts.
In the end though, racing is a head game and it really all comes down to what the rider feels.
senza voler far polemica eh...lo sottolineo ancora..

p.s non fate i braccini...cliccate sui link e leggetevi il non ci riuscite lo traducete direttamente con il browser.