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Ma è sempre meglio partecipare no?
gia non si vedono sorpassi, se si ritira non vedremo nemmeno la guida spettacolare di stoner, che cavolo di motivo rimarrebbe per guardare ancora la motogp??
P.s. sopratutto dopo aver visto le 2 gare di domenica in sbk!!!
a sto punto la gp ? finita .....rossi non esiste pi?....stoner si ritira....quindi.....o i prossimi mondiali li vince lorenzo a tavolino o chiudono direttamente...e passan tutti i speriamo di no senn? mandano in malora anche quella
gia non si vedono sorpassi, se si ritira non vedremo nemmeno la guida spettacolare di stoner, che cavolo di motivo rimarrebbe per guardare ancora la motogp??
P.s. sopratutto dopo aver visto le 2 gare di domenica in sbk!!!
la prima cosa che ho pensato...menomale mgp va su sky
qualcosa in generale sembra gia' averlo detto.. prendo da
“After a long time thinking, a lot of time talking with my family and my wife, this has been coming for a couple of years now but at the end of this 2012 season I will be not racing in the 2013 Championship. I will be finishing my career at the end of this season in MotoGP, and go forward in different things in my life,” Stoner told the assembled press.
“After so many years of doing this sport which I love, and which myself and my family made so many sacrifices for, after so many years of trying to get to where we have gotten to at this point, this sport has changed a lot and it has changed to the point where I am not enjoying it. I don't have the passion for it and so at this time it's better if I retire now.
“There are a lot of things that have disappointed me, and also a lot of things I have loved about this sport, but unfortunately the balance has gone in the wrong direction. And so, basically, we won't be continuing any more. It would be nice if I could say I would stay one more year, but then where does it stop? So we decided to finish everything as we are now.”