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Colin Edwards - Texas Tornado
The entire Colin Edwards Family is deeply saddened by today’s terrible accident that claimed the life of Marco Simoncelli. We appreciate the outpouring of support we continue to receive here, and along with you all, we will keep Marco and his family in our thoughts and prayers.
Mi piace ? ? Traduci ? Condividi ? domenica alle 17.31
Colin Edwards - Texas Tornado
Thanks to everyone for ur support at this time Very sad to see a friend pass in any case. I'm holding up ok mentally, it was a very tragic accident Physically, besides a dislocated shoulder & ligaments involved, think both wrists & left heel have fractures too, getting X-rays on Wednesday. I feel sad for the whole MotoGP community right now, my heart is heavy for everyone affected, from family to fans. God speed my friend, u will be missed
Mi piace ? ? Traduci ? Condividi ? Ieri alle ore 14.51