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Corner 8A &8B "the Corkscrew" left right "S" curve - 50mph then 60mph 3rd gear or 2nd through 8A and short shift to 3 on the "straight" part:
Here it is. What everyone is waiting for. Corners 8A and 8B are the Corkscrew. The key to the Corkscrew is to straighten between A and B. The natural inclination is to use an "S"... don't. Turn through Corner 8A with a moderately late apex and then straighten for a split second aiming for the oak... then turn to a medium to late apex on 8B and use all the track. Then aim for the last oak on the left to brake straight and set up for the dreaded Rainey.
Careful modulation of the throttle will keep gravel in this famous turn from spinning your car. After the sharp downhill your suspension will load up allowing you to feed in the power prior to Rainey Curve (T9).