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bump then lurk as soon as possibleThe ancient Greek philosopher Socrates in the big deathbed to have a small regret - and he's right-hand man for many years, even in a period of more than half a year did not give his best to find a closed-door disciples. Things like this: Socrates in the generally perceived as being frail, the know time is running out, and wanted to test his modal who usually seems to be a good assistant. He called preimplantation aide said: "I left running out of wax, wax was looking for another point and then go on, you know what I mean?" "Understand" his aides quickly said, "your thinking is very well to the glorious tradition continues ... ..." "But," Socrates said slowly: "I need one of the most outstanding heritage, he not only needs a considerable wisdom, we must also have full confidence and extraordinary courage of the candidates for this ... ... until now I have not seen, you help me find and discover one, please? " "Good, good." Assistant very tame great respect said: "I will certainly make every effort to find, in order to live up to your culture and trust." Socrates smiled, and did not say anything else. The loyal and hard-working assistants, tirelessly through various channels to start looking for a. Can he get to one another, the total was 11 Socrates had refused. On one occasion, when his aides once again failed to return to bed when Socrates, Socrates relinquish its hard-bound with terminal illnesses to sit up, the shoulders of assistant who said: "It's hard to you, but you have those who, in fact, you might as well ... ... " "I must redouble our efforts," assistant words earnestly said, " urban and rural areas, all corners of the country, I have to take the best candidate exhumed, with the recommendation to you." Socrates smiled, no longer speak. After six months, we should bid farewell to the world Socrates glance, the most outstanding candidates did not yet known. Assistant very ashamed to sit bedside tears, a heavy tone: "I really am sorry you disappointed you!" Wow leveling, wow gold, Cheap WoW Power Leveling Store wow power leveling, we professionally focused on providing wow powerleveling service and offers 24/7 non-stop power leveling and wow gold service. With the quickest speed and best service we will satisfy your powerleveling aspiration for your game. We only employ the most professional players and assign only those familiar with your specific class to play your characters. So your character can be leveled by our professional players who are expert in World of Warcraft,We have helped thousands of players reached their desired levels at their appointed time. In addition, we have a strong credit standing and the safety of your Wow leveling, wow gold Cheap wow power leveling Store account will be protected forever. Our motto is "Do what you wish!".传奇私服 And our high quality service, good reputation and competitive price will make you enjoy your purchase from us. "I am disappointed, I am sorry but it is your own," Socrates said here, I am very disappointed to close their eyes, pause for a long time, not only non-sad to say: "Originally, the best is yourself, only that you could not believe my own, only to lose sight of their own, to delay, to the lost ... ... In fact, everyone is the best, the difference lies in how to understand themselves, how to explore and reuse their own ... ... " generation philosophers would never have left him with deep concern of the world. In order not to repeat the mistakes that aides, each longing for success, not to sink, and should bear in mind the sage words of wisdom of the saying: "the best is yourself!"