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Ma è sempre meglio partecipare no?
io invece mi sono innamorato di sta canzone e sto video! mi ricordano lontanamente i muse... anche il testo è stupendo!
30 Seconds To Mars - Kings And Queens
Lyrics to Kings And Queens :
[oohh oohh]
Into the night,
desperate and broken.
The sound of a fight,
father has spoken.
[oohh ohh]
We were the kings and queens of promise.
We were the phantoms of our selves.
Maybe the children of a lesser god,
between Heaven and Hell.
Heaven and Hell.
Into your lies,
hopeless and taken.
We stole our new lives,
through blood and pain,
in defense of our dreams.
In defense of our dreams.
We were the kings and queens of promise.
We were the phantoms of our selves.
Maybe the children of a lesser god,
between Heaven and Hell.
Heaven and Hell.
Heaven and Hell.
The age of man is over.
A darkness comes and all
These lessons that we've learned here
have only just begun!
We were the kings and queens of promise.
We were the phantoms of our selves.
Maybe the children of a lesser god,
between Heaven and Hell.
We are the kings!
We are the queens!
We are the kings!
We are the queens!
Ultimamente anche quando non l'ascolto ho in testa questa, riesce a rilassarmi...farmi volare con la fantasia e farmi stare sereno