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Chi se la ricorda?

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    ? stupenda....ricorda le kit car puma


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      bella bella bella


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        Originally posted by gio evodreamer View Post
        ? stupenda....ricorda le kit car puma
        vero le ricordo.. ce ne sono un paio su autoscout24


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          Originally posted by gio evodreamer View Post
          ? stupenda....ricorda le kit car puma
          le ricordo io

          non erano per il mercato italiano.


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            Originally posted by Falco Rosso View Post
            le ricordo io

            non erano per il mercato italiano.
            Le puma non erano per il mercato Italiano? Erano costruite a Roma...
            Usava tutti componenti del maggiolino, telaio e motore in primis, le ultime si potevano avere anche col 1.400/1700 Alfa Romeo
            Last edited by Asto Delta; 10-08-09, 05:56.


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              nel cruscotto campeggia un cavallino rampante, why ?


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                Hardcastle and McCormick was a short lived series that ran from 1983-1986.

                The original car was a modified Manta Montage Kit Car on VW chassis The production Manta Montage used a VW chassis with the side pans cut out out and the Montage body fit over the remaining backbone. The Montage was modified for the show by removing the bubble back rear window and replacing it with a
                flying buttress, like the 68-77 Corvettes. The car may have used a Porsche or Corvair engine and transaxle, but can't confirm this. There was also a second Coyote version used later in the series. It was built on a Delorean backbone mated to a Pantera zf tranny with built V6. The change was due to Brian Keith's inability to get in and out of the first car with ease. This car was seen in poor shape at MGM Studios, Florida.

                The car that McCormick drove, the Coyote X, was built from Manta Montage kit car based on a McLaren M6BGT and built by the now defunct kit car manufacturer Manta Cars, Santa Ana, CA. Like many kit cars of the time, the car uses a chassis from a VW Beetle and its engine from a Porsche 914.

                For the second and third season, producers used a different Coyote which was based on a Delorean, as Brian Keith had difficulty getting in and out of the original Coyote. One significant difference is that the car appears not have any resemblance to the Manta, as the front is larger than the original, making the car resemble a front engined car. The current show car that was used in the production of Hardcastle and McCormick is currently owned buy a private owner with a Muscle Car Garage in Northern West Virginia.


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                  E' da una settimana che han ripreso a trasmettere H&Mc su La7 alle 13, quando riesco mel guardo ancora volentieri

