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A GT40 Mk IV at the center of Ford’s fight against Ferrari would be well received in the marketplace. Although it does not have competition history, it oozes with history nonetheless and it is extremely rare. Given that a street version GT40 Mk I sold for $1,465,000 at RM Auctions’ Monterey event in August 2008, we would be surprised if J-3 is not valued in excess of $2,000,000 today.
If you bought the Ford GT40 Mk IV for $85,000 in 1976, then your investment would have returned at least 10% over 33 years.
Io sono un folle perch? sto valutando di acquistare un LOFT... altro che le auto che sono inutili :gaen: (ho un bellissimo touran tdi del 2004...a 26 anni )
Io sono un folle perch? sto valutando di acquistare un LOFT... altro che le auto che sono inutili :gaen: (ho un bellissimo touran tdi del 2004...a 26 anni )
:gaen:tu sei un folle perch?, dovresti acquistare due da 50 mq. e uno viverci e l'altro affitarlo