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The objective of the Motorsport Memorial website is to honour the memory of all those that paid motorsport’s saddest price - by remembering their histories, reviewing their careers, celebrating their victories, cherishing their lives.
The objective of the Motorsport Memorial website is to honour the memory of all those that paid motorsport’s saddest price - by remembering their histories, reviewing their careers, celebrating their victories, cherishing their lives.
comunque cavolo, i ragazzi che hanno fatto questo sito sono da lodare mamma mia, nella societa' moderna che dopo 2 giorni ci dimentichiamo tutto, questi hanno fatto un archivio pazzesco
comunque cavolo, i ragazzi che hanno fatto questo sito sono da lodare mamma mia, nella societa' moderna che dopo 2 giorni ci dimentichiamo tutto, questi hanno fatto un archivio pazzesco
The objective of the Motorsport Memorial website is to honour the memory of all those that paid motorsport’s saddest price - by remembering their histories, reviewing their careers, celebrating their victories, cherishing their lives.