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a parte che pare sia una leggenda metropolitana, che son cose che si fanno se sei in guerra, per intimorire il nemico, ma e' accettabile dalla stampa locale "coinvolta", non da paesi terzi assolutamente al di fuori del conflitto.
come i pirla che si son messi a sfottere un cacciatorpediniere russo... che t'aspetti? si son fatti due risate e hanno tirato un grilletto... ciao isoletta e beoti.
non stiamo parlando di truppe italiane a cefalonia, che hanno tenuto testa al nemico, non stiamo parlando di el alamein con un manipolo di uomini senza rifornimenti ed attrezzature che tiene testa ad un battaglione attrezzato... ma di 4 ragazzini che, fomentati ed indottrinati, si son presi semplicemente in testa quello che chiedevano.
I've found out. It's not a war myth to increase the morale of our army, which we also need. He, the Ghost of Kiev, does actually exist. The surname is kept secret obviously. He already has 16 russian birds to his name. They say that russian pilots are afraid not of our AA, but are scared at the chance of this guy gluing himself to their tail and pressing the red button on the flight stick. Where does he appear from, diving from extremely low altitude behind the enemy, only God knows. But I think that the main reason is that our ace knows the terrain, the location of obstacles and the landscape of his country. To fly without fear, tens of meters high. Plus war talent.
I've found out. It's not a war myth to increase the morale of our army, which we also need. He, the Ghost of Kiev, does actually exist. The surname is kept secret obviously. He already has 16 russian birds to his name. They say that russian pilots are afraid not of our AA, but are scared at the chance of this guy gluing himself to their tail and pressing the red button on the flight stick. Where does he appear from, diving from extremely low altitude behind the enemy, only God knows. But I think that the main reason is that our ace knows the terrain, the location of obstacles and the landscape of his country. To fly without fear, tens of meters high. Plus war talent.
Avevo trovato l'info che a quanto pare è stato abbattuto..... dalla sua stessa contraerea. Poi la posto appena la ritrovo..