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Guerra in UCRAINA
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Ambulanza o FdO sempre Luci e Sirene cianno
Allora chissà come ti sei sentito in colpa, avessi chiamato le FdO prendevano una multa ma non morivano
Ok ricordavo male, ma per un mese ti abbiamo perculato perchè hai "Sventato la Grigliata" ... forse un po' come succede a Putin poi nel passaparola si esagera sempre ... mentre per Zelensky cmq a Sgozzare i Russi fa bene
19 Aprile 2022 - 19:11
Mosca ha ordinato di abbattare l'acciaieria di Mariupol, Azovstal: è quanto emerso dall'intercettazione di un soldato russo mentre parla con la moglie. "Vogliono raderla al suolo"
Quando si pensa di essere furbi con chi ha il potere di annientarti... Fin'ora la Russia ha giocato, ora annienta... Grazie a tutti quelli che hanno fomentato la guerra invece di fermarla a tutti i costi
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Putin sta scardinando l'ultimo baluardo di Bretton Woods, gli idrocarburi possono essere commerciati in valuta diversa dal dollaro.
In questa maniera si aggirano le sanzioni alla gazprom.
Originally posted by desmodannato View Post19 Aprile 2022 - 19:11
Mosca ha ordinato di abbattare l'acciaieria di Mariupol, Azovstal: è quanto emerso dall'intercettazione di un soldato russo mentre parla con la moglie. "Vogliono raderla al suolo"
Quando si pensa di essere furbi con chi ha il potere di annientarti... Fin'ora la Russia ha giocato, ora annienta... Grazie a tutti quelli che hanno fomentato la guerra invece di fermarla a tutti i costi
Cheffigata: mangiare dormire e non capire un aiser
sei solo invidioso perché gli ucraini stanno mettendo in atto una tattica tutta terrona ...meglio dei terroni stessi: chiaggni e fotti
18 Apr, 2022 03:07
Russia publishes data on foreign mercenaries in Ukraine
400 foreign fighters remain trapped in Mariupol, where Kiev forces have refused an offer to surrender
An estimated 6,824 foreign mercenaries from 63 countries have come to Ukraine to fight for Volodymyr Zelensky’s government, the Russian Defense Ministry stated on Sunday. Of these, 1,035 have been “destroyed,” while several thousand remain. Four hundred foreign fighters are holed up in Mariupol, where nationalist forces, including the neo-Nazi fighters, have refused to surrender.
The most numerous group of foreign fighters (1,717) arrived from Poland, while around 1,500 came from the US, Canada and Romania. Up to 300 people each came from the UK and Georgia, while 193 arrived from the Turkish-controlled areas of Syria.
These figures were announced on Sunday by Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov. According to the general, 1,035 foreign mercenaries have been killed by Russian forces and 912 fled Ukraine, leaving 4,877 active in the cities of Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa, Nikolaev and Mariupol.
Roughly 400 of these foreign fighters remain embedded with Ukrainian nationalist battalions in the besieged port city of Mariupol, Konashenkov stated. With most of the city under Russian control, these forces have dug in at the sprawling Azovstal metallurgical plant, a gargantuan Soviet-built factory complex spread over 11 square kilometers.
“Most of them are citizens of European countries, as well as Canada,” Konashenkov stated, adding that Russian forces have intercepted radio communications from the plant in six foreign languages. After the surrender of more than 1,000 members of Ukraine’s 36th Marines Brigade at the Ilyich Steel and Iron Works in Mariupol earlier this week, which Ukraine denies, the Russian military offered the defenders at Azovstal a final chance to lay down their arms and surrender on Sunday morning, promising that “all who lay down their weapons are guaranteed the preservation of life.”
No such surrender took place, and the pounding of heavy guns could be heard near the plant on Sunday afternoon. “In case of further resistance, all of them will be destroyed,” Konashenkov said.
“Let me remind you that foreign mercenaries do not have the status of ‘combatants’ under International Humanitarian Law,” Konashenkov said. “They came to Ukraine to earn money by killing Slavs. Therefore, the best that awaits them is criminal liability and long prison terms.”
Within days of Russia’s military assault on Ukraine, the government in Kiev promised visa-free entry for foreigners willing to take up arms against Moscow’s forces. Potential recruits visited Ukrainian embassies across the West and signed up to fight – often with the blessing of their own governments – and made their way to the battlefield.
However, recruitment was narrowed in March to those with military experience, and paused entirely at the beginning of April. A spokesman for Ukraine’s so-called “International Legion” told Canadian media that sending untrained volunteers to the front was becoming more of a hindrance than a help, and supplies of firearms and ammunition were running low.
Some of those who made the journey shared horror stories online of being sent to the front lines with inadequate weapons and ammo, while recruitment suffered after a Russian missile strike leveled a training center for these foreigners near the Western Ukrainian city of Lvov. “Up to 180 foreign mercenaries and a large quantity of foreign weapons were destroyed,” Konashenkov said at the time.
Originally posted by Bruno Rabolini View PostMorale.
Putin sta scardinando l'ultimo baluardo di Bretton Woods, gli idrocarburi possono essere commerciati in valuta diversa dal dollaro.
In questa maniera si aggirano le sanzioni alla gazprom.
il gas russo rifornisce l ucraina stessa... che non ha ancora rinunciato alla fornitura
ma soprattutto l ucraina fa pagare il pedaggio al transito del gas russo verso il resto d Europa... perché passa dall ucraina
e ancora non ha rinunciato né tantomeno fatto saltare questi gasdotti ... toh , ma che strano
solo che nei “documentari” di quelli che si credono furbi non lo dicono... eh no ... chissà perché
19 Apr, 2022 10:11
Russia gives Ukrainian troops another chance to surrender
Remaining ‘nationalist battalion’ militants and ‘foreign mercenaries’ in Mariupol will be spared if they lay down arms – Moscow
Russia on Tuesday offered another opportunity to surrender for the remaining Ukrainian forces holed up at the Azovstal steel plant in the Black Sea port city of Mariupol.
All those present at Azovstal should exit the facility between 14:00 and 16:00 Moscow time without any arms or ammunition on them, the Defense Ministry directed.
“Considering the catastrophic situation at the Azovstal metallurgical plant…the Russian Armed Forces again offer militants of nationalist battalions and foreign mercenaries to stop hostilities and lay down their arms starting 12pm Moscow time on April 19, 2022,” the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.
“All who lay down their weapons are guaranteed the preservation of life,” the ministry added.
The wording of the statement repeated – almost word for word – a similar offer made to the Ukrainian forces on Sunday, which they ended up rejecting. It has been reported that the Kiev authorities strictly forbid their troops from surrendering to Russians.
Under the new proposal, the commanders of the Azov battalion were told to establish uninterrupted radio contact with the Russian side, cease all hostilities and raise white flags along the perimeter of the steel plant.
Moscow has again called upon the Ukrainian leadership to give the order to its fighters to “stop senseless resistance” and surrender. “But, understanding that they’re not going to receive such orders and commands from the Kiev authorities, we call upon [the holdout Ukrainian forces] to make such a decision on their own and lay down their arms,” the ministry added.
Mariupol has been the scene of the heaviest fighting during the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The city is now almost entirely controlled by Russian forces, with Azovstal remaining the last pocket of resistance. Those holed up at the steel plant, with its massive network of underground tunnels, have been running short on water and food, the Defense Ministry had said earlier, based on intercepted communications.
According to Moscow’s estimates, Ukraine’s losses in Mariupol have reached some 4,000 combatants, including “foreign mercenaries” and nationalist fighters of the notorious Azov and Aidar regiments.
Russia attacked the neighboring state in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, first signed in 2014, and Moscow’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The German and French brokered protocols were designed to give the breakaway regions special status within the Ukrainian state.
The Kremlin has since demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.
Originally posted by arabykola View Post
il gas russo rifornisce l ucraina stessa... che non ha ancora rinunciato alla fornitura
ma soprattutto l ucraina fa pagare il pedaggio al transito del gas russo verso il resto d Europa... perché passa dall ucraina
e ancora non ha rinunciato né tantomeno fatto saltare questi gasdotti ... toh , ma che strano
solo che nei “documentari” di quelli che si credono furbi non lo dicono... eh no ... chissà perché