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Ma è sempre meglio partecipare no?
I do, mate, but not always.... the usual : 2 eggs (fried , sunny side up to be clear), toast, beacon (English, not American)...Tea and Yogourt..... when in rush Cerials....
I do, mate, but not always.... the usual : 2 eggs (fried , sunny side up to be clear), toast, beacon (English, not American)...Tea and Yogourt..... when in rush Cerials....
Giuseppe. non intendeva al fast food.. penso intendesse lo spuntino.. tipo la merenda...
che figura io pensavo al fast-food.....
comunque ? tuta colpa di MV influisce negativamente sul mio inglese
comunque il pomeriggio per fare uno spuntino preferisco le schifezze del McDonald's
I am actually near Bristol (SW England).. Love it, even if I have to admit that i was a bit worried when i decided to move from Turin to here last year... IMHO, I should have done it a long time ago...
I am actually near Bristol (SW England).. Love it, even if I have to admit that i was a bit worried when i decided to move from Turin to here last year... IMHO, I should have done it a long time ago...
So it was the other way around.... i thought you had moved from England to Italy