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Ma è sempre meglio partecipare no?
Full moon in the city
And the night was young
I was hungry for love
I was hungry for fun
I was hunting you down
And I was the bait
When I saw you there
I didn't mean to hesitate
This is the night
This is the night
This is the time we've got to get it right
(This is the night)
Touch me, touch me
I want to feel your body
Your heart beat next to mine
(This is the night)
Touch me, touch me now
Quick as a flash you disappeared into the night
Did I hurt you boy?
Didn't I treat you right?
You made me feel so good
Made me feel myself
Now I'm alone & you're with somebody else
This is the night, yeah
This is the night
This is the time we've got to get it right
(This is the night)
Touch me, touch me
I want to feel your body
Your heart beat next to mine
(This is the night)
Touch me, touch me now
Touch me, touch me now
Touch me, touch me now
Hot & cold emotions confusing my brain
I could not decide between pleasure & pain
Like a tramp in the night
I was begging for you
To treat my body like you wanted to
Uh, it's begging for you
(This is the night)
Touch me, touch me
I want to feel your body
Your heart beat next to mine
(This is the night)
'Cos I want your body all the time
(This is the night)
Touch me, touch me
I want to feel your body
Your heart beat next to mine
(This is the night)
'Cos I want your body all the time