e chi li ha i soldi per il nucleare???
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Nucleare - Facciamo il punto della situazione
Originally posted by nyko683 View Poste si proprio truffatori
Infatti un agenzia a caso ... la NASA sta portando avanti un progetto analogo (per non dire identico ) LENR
MA che cazz vuoi ne sappiano loro
ok farsi inculare con i power balance e il sale di wanna marchi.. ma non esageriamo..
chiss? come mai il signor rossi non fa un test "serio" e come mai la Nasa, o meglio il dr Zawodny che lavora alla Nasa dice
"There have been many attempts to twist the release of this video into NASA’s support for LENR or as proof that Rossi’s e-cat really works. Many extraordinary claims have been made in 2010. In my scientific opinion, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I find a distinct absence of the latter. So let me be very clear here. While I personally find sufficient demonstration that LENR effects warrant further investigation, I remain skeptical. Furthermore, I am unaware of any clear and convincing demonstrations of any viable commercial device producing useful amounts of net energy."
e aggiunge
So what does extraordinary evidence look like? As a trained scientist, I have been taught the historical standards for acceptance of experimental results or theories. Experiments and theories go hand-in-hand in what is known as the scientific method. Both must be independently tested, replicated, or verified. As a minimum, experimental results must be replicated by an objective and independent party. The nature of the test or replication needs to adhere to the spirit of the original experiment but, should be under the full design, implementation, and control of the independent tester. So, if a device is claimed to be capable of producing excess heat by nature of its operation (i.e., the consumption of fuel via a nuclear process), it must be operated properly. The way power input and power output are measured should be left up to the independent tester. This is standard scientific practice. What would take this to the next level (extraordinary evidence) would be to have the test be an open public test. The nature of the test and specific approach to executing the test should be made public. The conduct of the test should be open to additional 3rd party experts. And finally, the data should be publicly released. Further peer review of all aspects of the independent test is a must. Community consensus is the ultimate goal. Every attempted demonstration of a LENR device that I am aware of has failed to meet one or more of these criteria. "
Com'? che il sig. Rossi sta cercando in tutti i modi di VENDERE il suo tubo tucker... hem scusate, il suo E-CAT a milioni di dollari ma senza nessuno di questi test?
On NASA's Glenn Research Center's Research page the following summary was published last last year: Tests conducted at NASA Glenn Research Center in 1989 and elsewhere consistently show evidence of anomalous heat during gaseous loading and unloading of deuterium into and out of bulk palladium. At one time [...]Last edited by AndreaRS250; 20-01-12, 18:35.
Originally posted by AndreaRS250 View Postma le fonti le vogliamo verificare per una buona volta?
ok farsi inculare con i power balance e il sale di wanna marchi.. ma non esageriamo..
chiss? come mai il signor rossi non fa un test "serio" e come mai la Nasa, o meglio il dr Zawodny che lavora alla Nasa dice
"There have been many attempts to twist the release of this video into NASA?s support for LENR or as proof that Rossi?s e-cat really works. Many extraordinary claims have been made in 2010. In my scientific opinion, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I find a distinct absence of the latter. So let me be very clear here. While I personally find sufficient demonstration that LENR effects warrant further investigation, I remain skeptical. Furthermore, I am unaware of any clear and convincing demonstrations of any viable commercial device producing useful amounts of net energy."
e aggiunge
So what does extraordinary evidence look like? As a trained scientist, I have been taught the historical standards for acceptance of experimental results or theories. Experiments and theories go hand-in-hand in what is known as the scientific method. Both must be independently tested, replicated, or verified. As a minimum, experimental results must be replicated by an objective and independent party. The nature of the test or replication needs to adhere to the spirit of the original experiment but, should be under the full design, implementation, and control of the independent tester. So, if a device is claimed to be capable of producing excess heat by nature of its operation (i.e., the consumption of fuel via a nuclear process), it must be operated properly. The way power input and power output are measured should be left up to the independent tester. This is standard scientific practice. What would take this to the next level (extraordinary evidence) would be to have the test be an open public test. The nature of the test and specific approach to executing the test should be made public. The conduct of the test should be open to additional 3rd party experts. And finally, the data should be publicly released. Further peer review of all aspects of the independent test is a must. Community consensus is the ultimate goal. Every attempted demonstration of a LENR device that I am aware of has failed to meet one or more of these criteria. "
Com'? che il sig. Rossi sta cercando in tutti i modi di VENDERE il suo tubo tucker... hem scusate, il suo E-CAT a milioni di dollari ma senza nessuno di questi test?
Cold Fusion: NASA Says Nothing Useful - Forbes
dov'? l ufficialit? del tarocco?
Se ti ascolti le interviste a Zawodny dice l esatto opposto .
Tra l altro nell articolo di questo giornale (alla faccia della fonte) non si critica il prodotto ma i test che non sono stati fatti pubblicamente ...
a be allora si ? tutta una truffa....
pensa andre che ? talmente un tarocco
dall ultimo convegno del 12/01/2012 oltre alla nasa che ha pubblicamente detto che FUNZIONA ma che dovranno essere fatti ulteriori test indipendenti .
Ma pure il CERN si ? interessato
Ovviamente essendo da 10 anni che danno a Rossi del ridicolo , ora che han capito che funziona non ? facile rubargli il brevetto senza passare doppiamente da mona