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Ma è sempre meglio partecipare no?
... la Libia ? uno stato canaglia per gli USA e fino a ieri ci facevamo affari...
... come facciamo affari con l'Iran ad esempio...
... per come me l'hanno messa tutte le societ? USA quotate in borsa devono cessare per il 2012 le relazioni commerciali col Congo...
... e non solo quelle diretta ma anche derivate, ovverosia con fornitori di tutto il mondo che prendono l? le materie prime che ricordo essenzialmente essere:
So che c'e' una legge che obbliga le aziende quotate a riportare alla SEC acquisti di materie prime in COngo... ma addirittura un embargo? NOn sono riuscito a trovare notizie in merito....
Attento alle operazioni di borsa che fai o ti denunciano per insider trading
In 2010, a U.S. law was passed that requires companies to report to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and disclose on their websites whether any materials in their products originate in the Democratic Republic of Congo or its adjoining countries. The law applies to publicly traded U.S. manufacturing companies that use certain metals in their products.
If companies are using materials from the identified countries, they are required to describe the steps they have taken to ensure the metals are from responsible sources and to give details about the location of the mine from where they originated.
Motorola supports the development of legislation that helps companies determine whether or not the sources of the materials they use are associated with conflict. Together with our industry partners, we are working to develop the systems to enable companies to verify the sources of the metals in their products.
Frequently asked questions
Given the severity of the situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo, why doesn?t Motorola cease buying from suppliers that source from the country?
We believe that a total embargo would make things worse, not better. Tens of thousands of people in the region depend on legitimate artisanal mining and their livelihoods and the economic stability of the region would be threatened if the ICT industry stopped buying components that contain minerals from the region. Motorola and our industry partners believe that the best way to improve standards is by working with the mining industry and minerals supply chain to raise standards and bring lasting improvements.