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Penna SPY chi l'ha avuta?

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    io tra le varie vendevo anche quella........

    mettendola al taschino come una normale penna registra video e audio

    tutto qui

    non fa volare, quindi funziona


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      Originally posted by marco84 View Post
      concordo, ho visto penna, spine triple con 7 canali di trasmissione a diverse frequenze nel cas di disturbi e molte altre cose
      appunto,se uno vuol giocare ? un conto,ma la roba seria ? roba seria..che per? costa ed ? illegale(quasi) haha

      Vuole almeno avere delle prove (che magari non valgono nulla), di quello che gli sta accadendo, che vi giuro ha dell'incredibile
      beh per questo va bene anche la penna...cmq nn credo sia molto legale registrare(anche solo audio)ad insaputa dell'altra persona quindi nn so se vale come "prova" anzi...magari si becca lei na denuncia...
      gli aggeggi che dico io sono da investigatore privato ma sono una figata unica,nn entrare mai in uno di quei negozi perk? se hai il grano in tasca esci con le borse della spesa ahhaha


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        A PROPOSITO DI SPYsarcazzocosa...

        Il mio prossimo acquisto

        299,00 neuri ... si pilota dall'I-Phone

        Originally posted by Dex View Post

        Quindi sai che a vairano ti ho visto tutto nudo peccato che la mazza nn ci stava tutta nel campo visivo! :giulius:
        buongustaiA :tollydesmo:


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          per chi fosse interessato....

 - Si occupa della vendita di microspie, spyphone, microcamere, videosorveglianza, localizzatori gps, registratori digitali, cellulari spia,sistemi di allarme professionali e molto ancora!

          questo è di un mio amico, se qualcuno fosse interessato a qualcosa mi faccia sapere, vediamo di poter fare qualche sconto


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            Originally posted by Toledo View Post
            A PROPOSITO DI SPYsarcazzocosa...

            Il mio prossimo acquisto

            299,00 neuri ... si pilota dall'I-Phone

            Divertente !!! Che ? ?


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              Originally posted by Toledo View Post
              A PROPOSITO DI SPYsarcazzocosa...

              Il mio prossimo acquisto

              299,00 neuri ... si pilota dall'I-Phone

              buongustaiA :tollydesmo:
              Che ?? Un link per capirci di pi?


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                Originally posted by Toledo View Post
                A PROPOSITO DI SPYsarcazzocosa...

                Il mio prossimo acquisto

                299,00 neuri ... si pilota dall'I-Phone

                bellissimo... lo avevo già visto ed è una delle poche ragioni per cui comprerei l'iphone eheheh

                The Parrot AR.Drone was definitely one of the highlights of our day; how can you top a quadricopter that can fight with another using augmented reality, is easy to fly, and only needs an iPhone to control it? You simply can't -- this is just pure joy and is exactly what a gadget should be: it's an electronic aircraft, has multiple cameras (two to be exact), uses WiFi for control (via an ad-hoc connection), and likely has more intelligence on board than a lunar lander. This early version can only be controlled via iPhone, or iPod touch, but Parrot's Henri Seydoux mentioned that it could be (and we're really hoping will be) controllable by BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, and so on. The AR.Drone uses a pile of pretty sophisticated magic to enable it to fly -- those aforementioned cameras are just the start (one forward facing, one facing down running at 60 fps that allows stability in light wind) because you've also got two ultrasonic transmitters for vertical stability, a three-axis accelerometer, and a two-axis gyroscope paired with a single-axis yaw precision gyroscope for good measure. Needless to say, casual gamers and folks looking for a nice $30 gift need not apply. Read on for more impressions and video! %Gallery-81915%

                Sure, the iPhone does a commendable job with heavy-duty 3D acceleration for intense virtual reality gaming, but funk that noise -- these guys want to bring you the real thing. Parrot -- better known for its Bluetooth accessories -- has introduced the AR.Drone, a WiFi-enabled remote control helicopter that takes its commands from the iPhone or iPod touch of your choice. The wacky toy has a pair of on-board cameras, one to help steady itself and the other to beam a live bird's-eye view (almost literally, if you pretend for a moment that this is in fact a bird) from the captain's seat onto your phone's screen. Parrot's mainly pushing the hardware here -- it's offering up a host of open source goodies to help developers learn about the product and figure out how to turn it into a must-have toy with replay value, and they'll have plenty of time to do so since it won't be available to consumers until "sometime in 2010." Follow the break for a video of the AR.Drone mercilessly hunting down and destroying all who dare oppose it. %Gallery-81517%

                Last edited by bennymax; 30-09-10, 08:13.


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                  Ho per? seri dubbi che si riesca a pilotare bene in ambienti esterni con un iphone...... visto che per pilotare elicotteri seri ci van seri radiocomandi .....
                  IN ambienti chiusi ok, ma all'esterno.....


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                    Originally posted by bennymax View Post
                    bellissimo... lo avevo gi? visto ed ? una delle poche ragioni per cui comprerei l'iphone eheheh

                    The Parrot AR.Drone was definitely one of the highlights of our day; how can you top a quadricopter that can fight with another using augmented reality, is easy to fly, and only needs an iPhone to control it? You simply can't -- this is just pure joy and is exactly what a gadget should be: it's an electronic aircraft, has multiple cameras (two to be exact), uses WiFi for control (via an ad-hoc connection), and likely has more intelligence on board than a lunar lander. This early version can only be controlled via iPhone, or iPod touch, but Parrot's Henri Seydoux mentioned that it could be (and we're really hoping will be) controllable by BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, and so on. The AR.Drone uses a pile of pretty sophisticated magic to enable it to fly -- those aforementioned cameras are just the start (one forward facing, one facing down running at 60 fps that allows stability in light wind) because you've also got two ultrasonic transmitters for vertical stability, a three-axis accelerometer, and a two-axis gyroscope paired with a single-axis yaw precision gyroscope for good measure. Needless to say, casual gamers and folks looking for a nice $30 gift need not apply. Read on for more impressions and video! %Gallery-81915%

                    Sure, the iPhone does a commendable job with heavy-duty 3D acceleration for intense virtual reality gaming, but funk that noise -- these guys want to bring you the real thing. Parrot -- better known for its Bluetooth accessories -- has introduced the AR.Drone, a WiFi-enabled remote control helicopter that takes its commands from the iPhone or iPod touch of your choice. The wacky toy has a pair of on-board cameras, one to help steady itself and the other to beam a live bird's-eye view (almost literally, if you pretend for a moment that this is in fact a bird) from the captain's seat onto your phone's screen. Parrot's mainly pushing the hardware here -- it's offering up a host of open source goodies to help developers learn about the product and figure out how to turn it into a must-have toy with replay value, and they'll have plenty of time to do so since it won't be available to consumers until "sometime in 2010." Follow the break for a video of the AR.Drone mercilessly hunting down and destroying all who dare oppose it. %Gallery-81517%

                    Figheiro !!!

                    La guida all'esterno, almeno nel video, pare sia possibile, io invece mi domando la durata: non sar? che al max pu? volare 5 minuti ?

