? la terza mail inuna giornata che mi chiede di vendere la moto mandandomi soldi in questa modalit?, vi allego la mail in inglese, come fanno a derubarti in queto?
? ovvio che sia una fregatura, ma se tu hai versato i soldi e te li hanno accreditati e ti confermano che sianon coperti gli assegni, in che modo ti rubano la moto?
ecco la mail:
I want you to know that am interested to buy it from you, i will offer you ?150 more to your asking price and wish to be the next owner.
I will be making my payment with a cheque and i will arrange pick up after the cheque is credited on your account.
I will be including the shipment fee on the cheque, deposit the cheque in your bank and the money will be credited on your account within 5days
After you have the money credited on your account, you will deduct your money and transfer the rest money to my shipping agency that will come to your location for the pick up and shipment.
My shipping agency will prepare the paperwork and document for the shipment to make the transaction complete.
The shipping agency will arrange all the vital documents and papers for the shipment.
The shipping agency will also sign all the necessary documents/paper on my behalf when they have arrived at your location for the picking up and shipment...
So you do not need to worry or stress yourself about anything at all as regards signing of any kinds of documents/papers,the sales contract or the property paper.
I want you to get back to me with your name and address for the cheque.
Name ......... {name on cheque}
Address..... {address to send cheque to}
Postal Code......
Mobile Number...
Office Phone... if available
Home Phone.... if available
Price......... ?
Offer........ ?`150 (free for you and reserve it for me)
I will make sure the cheque get to you within 7 working days..
Best Regards,
? ovvio che sia una fregatura, ma se tu hai versato i soldi e te li hanno accreditati e ti confermano che sianon coperti gli assegni, in che modo ti rubano la moto?
ecco la mail:
I want you to know that am interested to buy it from you, i will offer you ?150 more to your asking price and wish to be the next owner.
I will be making my payment with a cheque and i will arrange pick up after the cheque is credited on your account.
I will be including the shipment fee on the cheque, deposit the cheque in your bank and the money will be credited on your account within 5days
After you have the money credited on your account, you will deduct your money and transfer the rest money to my shipping agency that will come to your location for the pick up and shipment.
My shipping agency will prepare the paperwork and document for the shipment to make the transaction complete.
The shipping agency will arrange all the vital documents and papers for the shipment.
The shipping agency will also sign all the necessary documents/paper on my behalf when they have arrived at your location for the picking up and shipment...
So you do not need to worry or stress yourself about anything at all as regards signing of any kinds of documents/papers,the sales contract or the property paper.
I want you to get back to me with your name and address for the cheque.
Name ......... {name on cheque}
Address..... {address to send cheque to}
Postal Code......
Mobile Number...
Office Phone... if available
Home Phone.... if available
Price......... ?
Offer........ ?`150 (free for you and reserve it for me)
I will make sure the cheque get to you within 7 working days..
Best Regards,