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    Quella dell'analisi del capello mi sembra una buona idea.
    Certo che se è come dici tu... azz che ingiustizia che sarebbe.


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      Che sfiga!

      Sapere d'essere innocente e non poter far niente o quasi per dimostrarlo dev'essere a dir poco snervante!

      Io sapevo che quando fermano un ubriaco per strada e risulta positivo all'alcool-test lo portano in ospedale a fare le contro analisi per avere una conferma del tasso alcolemico elevato.
      In questo caso non dovevano fare la stessa cosa?
      Rifare eventualmente le analisi del sangue o utilizzare altri metodi per confermare il primo risultato?
      Perch? non ? stato e non viene tutt'ora fatto?

      Scusami Wild,
      se uno sostiene delle spese (ed a quanto ho capito potrebbero essere anche notevoli) per avvalorare la sua tesi e dimostrare che l'accusa ? infondata non ? suo diritto avere un risarcimento da parte di chi lo ha accusato ingiustamente?


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        Originally posted by wildfire View Post
        Quoto per aggiungere di richiedere (se non l'hai gia' fatto, magari tramite il Collega) la copia integrale della cartella clinica con l'indicazione dei trattamenti ricevuti in ambulanza/PS nel lasso di tempo intercorrente tra il trauma e l'analisi.

        sul referto c'e' scritto che mi hanno dato un flacone di zantax uno di artrosilene e della fisiologica...


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          Originally posted by Bladegreen View Post
          Non sono un medico ma mi sembra ci siano esami che possono andare indietro negli anni per vedere se hai assunto droghe in passato, tipo l'esame del capello per esempio.....
          Esami che costano parecchio, ma, se facendo tali esami risultassi negativo, tramite legale (legale furbo) potresti dimostrare che c'? stato un falso positivo....
          per fare l'esame del capello (costo a parte) bisogna andare alla medicina legale di modena...avvalersi di una dottoressa che collabora con la per farlo serve la richiesta di un magistrato o del prefetto....cosi' mi hanno detto...


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            Originally posted by elpaso1 View Post
            Che sfiga!

            Sapere d'essere innocente e non poter far niente o quasi per dimostrarlo dev'essere a dir poco snervante!

            Io sapevo che quando fermano un ubriaco per strada e risulta positivo all'alcool-test lo portano in ospedale a fare le contro analisi per avere una conferma del tasso alcolemico elevato.
            In questo caso non dovevano fare la stessa cosa?
            Rifare eventualmente le analisi del sangue o utilizzare altri metodi per confermare il primo risultato?
            Perch? non ? stato e non viene tutt'ora fatto?

            Scusami Wild,
            se uno sostiene delle spese (ed a quanto ho capito potrebbero essere anche notevoli) per avvalorare la sua tesi e dimostrare che l'accusa ? infondata non ? suo diritto avere un risarcimento da parte di chi lo ha accusato ingiustamente?
            so che e' tutto questa e' la realta' italiana...pensa che diversi avvocati mi avevano consigliato di "patteggiare" per richiedere la riduzione della pena...dicendo che tanto anche se innocente non sarei riuscito a dimostrarlo...e almeno avrei pagato cifre + avrei cmq. avuto la fedina penale sporca...perche' e' importante non dimostro la ragione...avro' anche la fedina penale intaccata... w l'italia


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              Originally posted by matte2110 View Post
              sul referto c'e' scritto che mi hanno dato un flacone di zantax uno di artrosilene e della fisiologica...
              E allora la palla passa al medico. Se esclude che l'interazione dei farmaci che ti hanno dato (eventualmente combinati con effetti residui di precedenti terapie che possano essere documentate) possa aver generato un falso positivo comincio a vederla tutta in salita...


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                Secondo me E' IL ZANTAC!!

                Se cerchi su google ci sono diverse persone che hanno avuto il tuo stesso problema .... MA COME SI FA' a prelevare le urine dopo che ti hanno sparato in vena oltre la calssica fisiologica anche chiss?cosa??????

                Ti riporto alcuni esempi di gente che ha avuto il tuo stesso identico problema.

                does zantac cause a false positive for Meth?
                I am about to loose monthly take homes I have had for 7+ yrs because this is the second time I have come up positive for meth in the past six months.....
                This is the only thing I take I a daily basis that I am thinking it could be...or my nose spray....but I have always taken my nose spray from the first day I walked in the clinic.........the zantac I only been taking reg. for about a year but had to take more often because of the heart burn.......
                any suggestions...I am just sick over this......ITS something you don't think will happen to you..........what can I do other than stop the zantac...
                and do u think I will loose my take homes???My counselor has been very supportive and knows that my trac record speaks for itself...I have never even taken meth before nor do I want to...Opiates has always been my problem......not meth........

                hello Bjo,
                Yes Zantac (ranitidine hcl) can can cause false positive results for Methamphetamine in urine screens. As Bethc wrote in her response, it does depend on the type of urine testing carried out. There is plenty of evidence & examples on the Web to support the Zantac/methamphetamine false positive dilemna. Just do a search under "Zantac & methamphetamine false positive urine test" & you'll receive heaps of references to such incidents.

                When I discovered this, as I take Zantac, I told my Doctor. He at first was extremely dubious, until he searched & researched ranitidine himself & contacted various medical specialist & pathologist colleagues. He now is aware of possible false positive methamphetamine results in patients who take Zantac & I believe he takes precautions not to have patients unfairly labelled as "speed" users.

                I hope this helps.

                Can Zantac Cause a False Positive Test Result [posted 11/19/98]
                Question: I have been taking Zantac (for GERD) for the past four years. It works great... no problem. Two weeks ago I had to give a urine sample at work. Last week I gave another one. The results came back today for both tests showing amphetamine in my urine. I don't drink, smoke or take ANY drugs except the Zantac and a face cream for roseacea. They made me give another urine sample today. I'm a dead man if it comes back indicating illegal drugs. Can you help me? Is it possible that my Zantac dosage is showing up as amphetamine on the test? I don't know anything abut drug tests but I am sure this particular test is a general kind of test for a company just checking to see if their employees are using illegal drugs. I take 300 mg daily (150 in the morning and 150 at night). The Rx cream I put on my face is Cutivate (I just smear about 1 inch worth on my cheeks and chin twice a day for a rosacea skin problem). I hope you can suggest a test I can take or steer me to some info about the Zantac. I appreciate any help and any news you can send me. Thanks. Oh yeah, I also use Selsun Rx and T-Gel as my shampoo on alternating days in the shower (for seborrhea).

                Answer: You should check with the company doing the test for interactions. These will be listed. Neither should test positive in most drug testing.
                Se guardi qu? ---->

                C'? la lista di tutte le sostanze che possono portare a dei falsi positivo nei drugtest


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                  False Positives
                  What is a false positive? It is a test result that is returned when a substance tests positive for another compound. It is a case of mistaken identity. For example if you eat a couple poppy seed cakes before testing, you can get a positive result for opiates.

                  The chances of you getting a false positive depends on the quality of the laboratory that does the testing. There seems to be about 1,200 of these labs in the United States currently testing for drugs. Less than a 100 of these meet federal standards and most of the individual states do not regulate drug test labs. The number of false positives returned range from 4% to over 50%, depending on the lab.

                  A concern here is that, if your company tests for drug useage, they are probably not required to use a certified drug testing lab, which means you have a greater chance of getting a false positive.

                  Listed below are products reported to cause a false positive drug test result. With your help, this will grow into a comprehensive list.

                  Last updated, December 19, 2008.
                  Substances that cause false positives
                  4-Way Nasal Spray - false positive for Amphetamines, Morphine (Ref: 1, 2, 7)
                  Accutrim - false positive for Ecstasy (MDMA), Meth (Ref: 11, 16, 18)
                  Acetaminoph w/codeine - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1)
                  Acet-AM - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1)
                  Acro-Lase Plus? contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
                  A.P.C. w/codeine - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1)
                  A.R.M. - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18)
                  Actifed - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 2, 3, 7, 18)
                  Actifed with Codeine Cough Syrup? (Ref: 18)
                  Adderall? - is an amphetamine, positive for Meth (Ref: 2008 PDR, 18, 19)
                  Advil - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 1, 14, 16, 18, 20, 26, 29) (Ref. 22 says NO)
                  Afrin - false positive for Ecstasy (MDMA), Meth (Ref: 3, 11, 16, 18)
                  Aleve - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 16, 18)
                  Alka-Seltzer - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 2, 7)
                  Alka-Selzer Plus - false positive for Amphetamines, Morphine (Ref: 1, 2, 7)
                  Allerest - false positive for Amphetamines, Ecstasy, Meth and Morphine (Ref: 1, 2, 3, 7, 11, 16, 18)


                  Antibiotics - false positives for Heroin, Cocaine (Ref: 13, 18, 20)
                  Antrocol Elixor? contains barbiturates (Ref: 18)
                  Apo-Naproxen - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 1)
                  Artane - false positive for LSD (Ref: 3)
                  Ascriptin w/codeine - false positive for Morphine (Ref: 1)
                  Aspirin with Codeine (Ref: 18)
                  Asthma medications - false positives for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 20, 21)
                  Astramoprh PF ? contains morphine (Ref: 18)
                  Ativan? contains benzodiazepines (Ref: 18)
                  Atripla - false positive for cannabinoid THC (Ref: 39)
                  B2 vitamin - false positive for THC (Ref: 21)
                  Bayer Select Maximum Strenght Sinus Pain Relief Caplets - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 3, 18)
                  Bayer Select Pain Relief Formula - false positive for THC, Marijuana (Ref: 3, 18)


                  Phenylephrine - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 11)
                  Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) - false positive for Meth (Ref: 11, 16)
                  Phenypropanolamine - false positive reading for Amphetamines (Ref: 29)
                  Phenypropan-Olamine - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 2, 7) (This is an active ingredient in Actifed, Alka-Seltzer, Alka-Selzer Plus, Allerest, Caldecon, Contac, Dietac, Dimetapp, 4-Way Nasal Spray, Ortain, Sinarest, Triaminicin)
                  Pholedrine - false positive for Amphetamines, Meth and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 16)
                  Poly-Histine contains codeine (Ref: 18)
                  Pondinil? metabolizes to amphetamine (Ref: 18)
                  Poppy Seeds contain morphine - positive for Heroin (MDMA), Opiates (Ref: 3, 16, 17, 20, 21, 25, 26, 29, 32)
                  Potentsex pills (Chinese herb) contain benzodiazepines (Ref: 32)
                  Prenylamine metabolizes to amphetamine (Ref: 18)
                  Prescription medications that contain codeine (Ref: 18)
                  Prescription NSAIDS (Ref: 18, 20)
                  Prescription sleeping pills will test positive for Benzodiazepines (Ref: 3, 20)
                  Primatene-M (Ref: 26, 29)
                  Primatine Tablets - false positive for Ecstasy (MDMA), Meth (Ref: 3, 11, 16, 18)
                  Promethazine - false positive for THC (Ref: 3, 16, 18)
                  Promethegan - false positive for THC (Ref: 3, 16, 18)
                  Propanolamine (Ref: 26)
                  Propoxyphene contains synthetic opiates (Ref: 18)
                  Propylephedrine - false positive for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 3, 11, 18)
                  Proton pump inhibitors - false positive for THC (Ref: 37)
                  protonix - false positive for THC (Ref: 37)
                  Prozac (Fluoxetine Hydrochloride) - false positives for amphetamines (Ref: 31)
                  Pseudoephederine - false positives for Amphetamines and Ecstasy (Ref: 20)
                  Pseudoephedrine may be detected as amphetamines (speed) (Ref: 3, 11, 18, 21, 30)
                  Pseudoephedrineare - false positive for amphetamines (Ref: 22)
                  Purim cookies contain poppy seeds, false positive for opiates (Ref: 13, 16, 17)
                  Quadrinal? - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1, 18)
                  Quelidrine - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1)
                  Quelichine - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1)
                  Quibron Plus - false positive for Amphetamines, Heroin, Opiates (Ref: 1)
                  Quinine in Tonic water - positive for opiates (Ref: 26, 29, 32)
                  Quinolones (Ref: 25)
                  Ranitidine - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 32)


                  Zantac - false positive for Amphetamines (Ref: 30)
                  Zoloft - false positive for benzodiazepines (Ref: 31)

                  * PDR in this context refers to the Physician's Desk Reference.
                  Ranitidine ? il principio attivo del Zantac


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                    Generic Name: ranitidine (ra NI ti deen)
                    Brand names: Zantac, Zantac 150, Zantac 300, Zantac 75, Zantac EFFERdose, Zantac GELdose, Zantac 300 GELdose, Taladine

                    What is ranitidine?

                    Ranitidine is in a group of drugs called histamine-2 blockers. Ranitidine works by reducing the amount of acid your stomach produces.

                    Ranitidine is used to treat and prevent ulcers in the stomach and intestines. It also treats conditions in which the stomach produces too much acid, such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Ranitidine also treats gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and other conditions in which acid backs up from the stomach into the esophagus, causing heartburn.

                    Ranitidine may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.

                    >>> <<<
                    Last edited by buzzy84; 08-09-09, 10:19.


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                      Pensala come vuoi!!!!!!!

                      Per me farmaci o non farmaci hanno fatto bene quel matte era 1 pericolo per strada e poi ai 50 non puoi straiarti in quella curva giusta punizione!!!!!!!!!!!!


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                        minchia, la ranitidina?????????


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                          Originally posted by kennyjr View Post
                          Per me farmaci o non farmaci hanno fatto bene quel matte era 1 pericolo per strada e poi ai 50 non puoi straiarti in quella curva giusta punizione!!!!!!!!!!!!
                          a luca!! ma vaffa!!

                          dai che dopo ci credono!


                          • Font Size
                            concordo.....quella curva si fa almeno al doppio....hi hi hi hi hi...ovviamente scherzo........ciao Matteeeeeeee!!!!!!
                            come stai porco?
                            ma con tutte le donne che hai non riesci a consolarti e trascorrere questo periodo in un modo "sereno"?

                            per chi non lo sapesse....matte &#232; un playboy.....

                            dai tieni duro...ti rifarai con gli interessi......

                            ciao Griss

                            Last edited by Nitro#23; 08-09-09, 15:35.


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                              Originally posted by Nitro#23 View Post
                              concordo.....quella curva si fa almeno al doppio....hi hi hi hi hi...ovviamente scherzo........ciao Matteeeeeeee!!!!!!
                              come stai porco?
                              ma con tutte le donne che hai non riesci a consolarti e trascorrere questo periodo in un modo "sereno"?

                              per chi non lo sapesse....matte ? un playboy.....

                              dai tieni duro...ti rifarai con gli interessi......

                              ciao Griss

                              ciao ragazzo...insomma...non c'e' male...nonostante tt sta' storia...scrivimi una mail domani va' la'!


                              • Font Size
                                Originally posted by buzzy84 View Post

                                Generic Name: ranitidine (ra NI ti deen)
                                Brand names: Zantac, Zantac 150, Zantac 300, Zantac 75, Zantac EFFERdose, Zantac GELdose, Zantac 300 GELdose, Taladine

                                What is ranitidine?

                                Ranitidine is in a group of drugs called histamine-2 blockers. Ranitidine works by reducing the amount of acid your stomach produces.

                                Ranitidine is used to treat and prevent ulcers in the stomach and intestines. It also treats conditions in which the stomach produces too much acid, such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Ranitidine also treats gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and other conditions in which acid backs up from the stomach into the esophagus, causing heartburn.

                                Ranitidine may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.

                                >>> <<<

                                ragazzi ho sentito il legale...fino al processo penale non posso fare nulla...quindi la documentazione trovata da buzzy e' servirebbe qualcosa in italiano o una dichiarazione di un medico competente in materia...qualsiasi aiuto o consiglio e' sempre ben accetto...thanks..

