Nonostante io abbia passato l'esame di inglese in universit? sto faticando a corregere le esercitazioni attenenti alcune produzioni elaborate dalla mia morosa...
Oltre alle frasi molti italianizzate, alcune volte faccio fatica a capire il senso della frase e mi verrebbe da cancellare tutto. Vi chiedo quindi aiuto per effettuare una correzione seria ma che non stravolga il testo... Altrimenti mi si demoralizza la ragazza e poi niente
La prima ? sul precariato (ho gi? fatto solo su questa una ventina di correzioni per? voglio essere sicuro).
The term precarious is refere to the condition of those who are living in a work situation characterized by:
-lack of continuity in the employment relationship
-wages too low to be able to built a lige and a future
Also because of these reason can be seen that the average age at which children (?) leave theri family to build a new family is increase because they are not viable with low salaries, in fact the students prefer continuing to live with their parents.
In a Business context like an italian one, be unstable worker means not being able to use your degree because in italy those who are most exploited are the graduates, who receive low wages, about 500 euro a month, and wowk with draft contracts that do not protect their rights at workers, or in other situation thay are recruited for work in which did not receive salaries, such as stages.
Now what worries most is not so much precarious since the possibility of finding work, in fact the current crisis is not helping to improve the economy and solve the problems which many families confront for arriving at the end of the month.
In conclusion, I wonder how it will be my future and that of all boys and girls who know me as yet studied, given that the prospects for growth and improvement are always getting worse.
Ok... Lo scopo dei vostri interventi non ? di prendermela in giro eh... N? di valutare il pensiero seppur contorto che esprime! Quanto piuttosto di aiutarmi in questa assurda correzione.. Perch? fosse per me gliela farei rifare!!MA NN POSSO!
tra poco scrivo l'altra
Oltre alle frasi molti italianizzate, alcune volte faccio fatica a capire il senso della frase e mi verrebbe da cancellare tutto. Vi chiedo quindi aiuto per effettuare una correzione seria ma che non stravolga il testo... Altrimenti mi si demoralizza la ragazza e poi niente

La prima ? sul precariato (ho gi? fatto solo su questa una ventina di correzioni per? voglio essere sicuro).
The term precarious is refere to the condition of those who are living in a work situation characterized by:
-lack of continuity in the employment relationship
-wages too low to be able to built a lige and a future
Also because of these reason can be seen that the average age at which children (?) leave theri family to build a new family is increase because they are not viable with low salaries, in fact the students prefer continuing to live with their parents.
In a Business context like an italian one, be unstable worker means not being able to use your degree because in italy those who are most exploited are the graduates, who receive low wages, about 500 euro a month, and wowk with draft contracts that do not protect their rights at workers, or in other situation thay are recruited for work in which did not receive salaries, such as stages.
Now what worries most is not so much precarious since the possibility of finding work, in fact the current crisis is not helping to improve the economy and solve the problems which many families confront for arriving at the end of the month.
In conclusion, I wonder how it will be my future and that of all boys and girls who know me as yet studied, given that the prospects for growth and improvement are always getting worse.
Ok... Lo scopo dei vostri interventi non ? di prendermela in giro eh... N? di valutare il pensiero seppur contorto che esprime! Quanto piuttosto di aiutarmi in questa assurda correzione.. Perch? fosse per me gliela farei rifare!!MA NN POSSO!
tra poco scrivo l'altra
