The Airbus A330, carrying 228 people, encountered heavy turbulence early Monday, some three hours after it began the 11-hour flight from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to Paris, France, according to Air France CEO Pierre-Henri Gourgeon.
At that point, the plane's automatic system initiated a four-minute series of messages to the company's maintenance computers, indicating that "several pieces of aircraft equipment were at fault or had broken down," he told reporters.
During that time, there was no contact with the crew, Gourgeon said.
"It was probable that it was a little bit after those messages that the impact of the plane took place in the Atlantic," he added.
Non sapevo dell'esistenza di un sistema di telemetria tra i velivoli e la casa costruttrice, certo che da quanto comunicato si capisce che l'evento distruttivo non ? stato cosi immediato
At that point, the plane's automatic system initiated a four-minute series of messages to the company's maintenance computers, indicating that "several pieces of aircraft equipment were at fault or had broken down," he told reporters.
During that time, there was no contact with the crew, Gourgeon said.
"It was probable that it was a little bit after those messages that the impact of the plane took place in the Atlantic," he added.
Non sapevo dell'esistenza di un sistema di telemetria tra i velivoli e la casa costruttrice, certo che da quanto comunicato si capisce che l'evento distruttivo non ? stato cosi immediato
