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Special e moto rare, quali sono le vostre preferite?
L'NS400R non ? n? special n? rara,visto che la producevano in serie e non era in numero limitato come l'RC30.
Per? era ed ? ancora bellissima...Rothmans ancora di pi?.
La moto dei miei sogni di allora.
In my years of ogling over bike builds, I can?t say I?ve ever seen a sportbike with a custom made frame. I?ve seen plenty of choppers and bobbers fitted with fabricated tube-frames, or stock frames paired with hard-tail rear sections, but this streetfighter is the first time I?ve seen a modern bike with a 1-off aluminium frame hugging the driveline. There is some discussion within the thread regarding the choice of material and techniques for building the frame. I?m not qualified to comment on that stuff, all I know is it?s fun to watch things being fabricated from metal!
Take one Kawasaki H2 750 motor, recently decommisioned from drag strip duty we might add, throw in a plenty of bling parts, for measure include one deliciously white powdercoated frame, and you've got one seriously trick bike that is sure to go "kwikasfaki" (295lbs, 135rwhp, 9.3 down the ¼ mile if you're a numbers person). Oddly enough, that's exactly what one member on the Custom Fighters forum, named cabbie, did (full build thread here), and the result is Pamela-Anderson-in-a-wet-leotard-on-a-windy-day stunning.
Con un 750 2t della Kawasaki
Questa ? fantastica. sentirla accesa secondo m? ? da infarto ..