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Battiera life, lipo, litio.....

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    Originally posted by Marocchino View Post
    10 A sono sempre 10 A,non interessa la fonte ...

    che siano batterie al piombo,o batterie all'uranio,se sono di 10 A sempre e comunque la stessa durata avranno!!!

    non ? mica un chilo di piume ed un chilo di piombo

    p.s.:io per la mia 636 ho preso quella della zx-10r da 10 A...e secondo me con 2 A in pi? sto bello che tranquillo
    l'assorbimento si misura in ampere/h e queste batterie rispetto ad una tradizionale hanno specifiche piu' basse, pur avendo spunto maggiore.

    controlla le specifiche, parlano chiaro!


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      ti faccio un esempio concreto: batteria yuasa YTZ10S: spunto 190, 8.4Ah, batteria 8 celle moty: spunto 240, capacita' 4.6Ah il che vuol dire che a parita' di assorbimento quella lifepo4 dura poco piu' della meta' della yuasa... A e Ah non sono la stessa cosa eh!
      Last edited by bananarama; 24-12-11, 17:13.


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        Originally posted by Mac_ro View Post
        ho usato un anno intero la batteria dalla cina senza nessun problema , non c'e mai stato bisogno di caricarla se non sulla moto
        la moto al minimo gia mette 13.5-13.9V quindi tutto normale

        ho sempre avuto un avviamento perfetto senza mai un problema quindi la promovo al 100%

        e partita la moto anche d'inverno con -10-15 gradi quando ho montato la batteria giusto per dargli una carica mensile ..quindi piu di cosi cosa puoi chiedere da una batteria? NULLA SECONDO ME!!
        vediamo l-anno prossimo il nuovo proprietario come se la cava , ma ..secondo me andra bene

        se Marcello riesce a proporle ad un prezzo decente ..le compro pure io da lui
        Quoto, tra l'altro mi ricordo che mi chiedesti il link.
        Ho due batterie da quel venditore, comprate un anno fa, una da 8 ed una da 12 elementi, vanno alla grande!
        L'elemento della A123 system usualmente impiegato nelle batterie da moto e' questo;

        26650 Lithium Ion Cell - A123 Systems Products

        quello verde. Difatti e' quello che e' presente nelle batterie "cinesi". Guardacaso, gli elementi sono solamente prodotti la'. TUTTI.

        Inoltre mi sembra che ci si diverta molto a fare del terrorismo commerciale.
        Ora, andrebbe bene se la batteria comprata in Europa costasse un 50% in piu' per i vari motivi di dogana e sbattimenti. Ma quando si arriva a chiedere il 300 o addirittura 400% della proposta orientale, a me sembra un po' esagerato. Anche se (E NON E' VERO, sono gli stessi identici elementi) dovessero durare 2 volte tanto.

        La cosa interessante che vedo nelle Shorai e' che hanno il connettore di bilanciamento 4S, e quindi con un economico caricabatteria da modellismo si puo' tenere in forma per lungo tempo, caricando e bilanciando gli elementi.

        Poi oh, ognuno spende i soldi come vuole....


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          Originally posted by bananarama View Post
          ti faccio un esempio concreto: batteria yuasa YTZ10S: spunto 190, 8.4Ah, batteria 8 celle moty: spunto 240, capacita' 4.6Ah il che vuol dire che a parita' di assorbimento quella lifepo4 dura poco piu' della meta' della yuasa... A e Ah non sono la stessa cosa eh!
          mi sa che non ci siamo capiti

          io intendevo dire che 2 batterie di identico amperaggio durano esattamente lo stesso se sottoposte allo stesso carico...!cio? se prendo una lifepo da 10 A e una Pb da 10 A e le sottopongo allo stesso identico lavoro,dureranno uguale !

          spero di essere stato chiaro


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            Originally posted by kindly View Post
            La mia ? sul mio sito e sulla baia, e sono pi? piccole di tutte le batterie originali quindi....................


            nome venditore?


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              Originally posted by bananarama View Post
              ti faccio un esempio concreto: batteria yuasa YTZ10S: spunto 190, 8.4Ah, batteria 8 celle moty: spunto 240, capacita' 4.6Ah il che vuol dire che a parita' di assorbimento quella lifepo4 dura poco piu' della meta' della yuasa... A e Ah non sono la stessa cosa eh!
              queste sono le specifiche della shorai sostitutiva della ytz10s

              Inviato dal mio Samsung Galaxy S2 con tapatalk


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                Originally posted by Marocchino View Post
                mi sa che non ci siamo capiti

                io intendevo dire che 2 batterie di identico amperaggio durano esattamente lo stesso se sottoposte allo stesso carico...!cio? se prendo una lifepo da 10 A e una Pb da 10 A e le sottopongo allo stesso identico lavoro,dureranno uguale !

                spero di essere stato chiaro
                non ? del tutto esatto o, almeno, non ? tutto .. perch? ci sono molti altri fattori da tenere in considerazione: ad esempio le batterie al piombo soffrono parecchio le basse temperature mentre le lifepo4 no; inoltre ci sono delle considerazioni sulla capacit? di mantenere la carica che per le lifepo ? molto pi? alta ... insomma l'amperaggio ? solo uno dei tanti parametri


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                  si va bene,ma se io collego 2 lampadine 12v identiche ad ogni batteria e le accendo nello stesso momento,dureranno praticamente senso del discorso ? quello

                  poi che ci siano delle accortezze da avere sulle diverse batterie etc etc siamo d'accordo,ma se io sostituisco una batteria al piombo con una lifepo di pari amperaggio,a parit? di condizioni d'uso le batterie dureranno uguale,con un vantaggio nello spunto della lifepo

         verit? non ? che la lifepo si scarica prima se lasciata collegata alla moto,il fatto ? che quando la lifepo si scarica sotto una certa soglia,diventa difficile da ricaricare e pu? anche guastarsi...per intenderci se arriva a 0 ? da buttare perch? non la recuperi pi? ...

                  spero ADESSO di essermi espresso in maniera idonea


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                    Originally posted by Marocchino View Post
                    si va bene,ma se io collego 2 lampadine 12v identiche ad ogni batteria e le accendo nello stesso momento,dureranno praticamente senso del discorso ? quello

                    poi che ci siano delle accortezze da avere sulle diverse batterie etc etc siamo d'accordo,ma se io sostituisco una batteria al piombo con una lifepo di pari amperaggio,a parit? di condizioni d'uso le batterie dureranno uguale,con un vantaggio nello spunto della lifepo

           verit? non ? che la lifepo si scarica prima se lasciata collegata alla moto,il fatto ? che quando la lifepo si scarica sotto una certa soglia,diventa difficile da ricaricare e pu? anche guastarsi...per intenderci se arriva a 0 ? da buttare perch? non la recuperi pi? ...

                    spero ADESSO di essermi espresso in maniera idonea
                    non ? questione di accortezze ... le moto stanno al caldo e al freddo e la batterie con loro: ci sono poi problemi di dispersione, di ricarica, di capacit? di mantenerla ecc
                    anche lo spunto ? importante perch? prima si accende la moto e prima la batteria smette di essere sotto "sforzo"

                    quello che dici varrebbe se le batterie fossero in una stanza al calduccio e attaccate solo mentre caricano ma sulla moto, al freddo, ferme per diverso tempo, sotto sforzo con accensioni ripetute ecc ? una'ltra cosa e la lifepo4, almeno sulla carta, ? nettamente superiore

                    ed ? una bella differenza :1:


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                      Originally posted by adriF4 View Post

                      nome venditore?
                      nextbike o sul sito in firma trovi il collegamento!
                      o nella ricerca
                      batteria moto racing leggera
                      Last edited by kindly; 25-12-11, 09:32.


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                        una esauriente serie di FAQ dal sito Shorai Usa...

                        Frequently Asked Questions
                        Q. What makes Shorai LFX different from other batteries?
                        A.Shorai LFX batteries contain Shorai-proprietary eXtreme-Rate Lithium Iron prismatic cells (chemistry LiFePO4). Shorai LFX contain no poisonous lead, no dangerous acid, and do not create explosive gasses during charge, as traditional Lead-Acid batteries do. Compared to lead-acid, Shorai LFX lithium are also extremely light, have much lower self-discharge rate, do not sulfate (i.e. do not degrade while sitting unattended), and are environmentally friendly.

                        While there are other companies now offering Lithium-Iron based powersports batteries, all except Shorai use cylindrical cells originally made for power tool applications. Such cells are inferior to Shorai Prismatic LFX, for several reasons.

                        First, the cylindrical cells come only in one size, so that the possible shapes and sizes of the starter batteries they make are very limited. As such, battery fit into many vehicles may be poor, or impossible as they are too wide, or too tall. LFX prismatic cells, on the other hand, are rectangular packages which we can freely design and size according to the size requirements of the battery case. As such, Shorai LFX offer perfect drop-in fit in many vehicles and - if the LFX is slightly smaller in one dimension - high-density, adhesive-backed foam shims are included in the package. These can be applied to the battery box in a few minutes, to insure a perfect ?as original? fit. No saws, cutting torches, or duct tape required!

                        Second is the pedigree. While power-tool cells may crank a vehicle successfully, they were not originally intended for the high current discharges in starter systems. As a result, cranking performance suffers compared to Shorai LFX, and the batteries will wear out more per every start. By contrast, Shorai LFX are the result of years of our own research and development, and are designed and produced in our own tightly controlled factory. Shorai LFX have been used in some of the most extreme high-current projects in the world, including autonomous aircraft, boats, and submarines, electromagnetic rail gun research, and more. In short, LFX have been designed from the ?ground up? to be a powersports starter battery with long lifespan and high performance, under a wide range of temperatures.

                        Finally there is quality control. Every Shorai LFX is built in our own ISO 9000:2008 certified factory. The primary cell ingredients are sourced from Japan, which allows us to produce the most consistent and reliable cells. Then we do individual cell quality control and matching over a six-week period, for every cell we make. This test period is two to four times longer than typical and is expensive for us. But it is worth it, in terms of product quality in the long run.

                        Q. Why are Shorai LFX priced below other lithium starter batteries?

                        A.Shorai LFX batteries are produced exclusively in our own dedicated factory, in large volume, by an experienced production team. The resulting high yields reduces our costs, and the factory-direct connection allows us to offer pricing which is competitive with traditional OEM lead-acid batteries, and lower than any other lithium-based alternative.

                        Q. How does the LFX "PBeq AHr" capacity rating compare to lead-acid Ahr ratings?
                        A. First, we need to understand that the primary job of a starter battery is to flow a large current (amperage) for a short time, in order to start a vehicle. In order to do that efficiently, the battery must have low internal resistance. Holding all other considerations equal, the larger the battery is in capacity the lower the resistance, and the better able it is to crank a vehicle under high loads.

                        Lead-acid makers have therefore used AHr(capacity) ratings as shorthand to indicate cranking ability, rather than a real usable capacity. The lead-acid capacity rating itself is based on a complete discharge at a low discharge rate. Under actual cranking conditions they will deliver considerably less than spec capacity. And because lead-acid batteries begin sulfating when only a small percentage of the capacity has been used, and their internal resistance rises as they are discharged, the actual capacity which can be USED may be as little as 20% of the mfg. rating. Discharge in excess will not only damage the lead-acid battery, it may not allow proper starting as voltage sags.

                        Shorai LFX are based on a completely different chemistry. Not only do they have less than 1/3 the internal resistance per capacity than do lead-acid, they are also the ultimate "deep-cycle" battery. The internal "completely discharged" capacity of a Shorai LFX is 1/3 the rated "PBeq" capacity. For example, the LFX18 12V series have 6Ah cells internally. But the cells are capable of 80% discharge without damage and while retaining more cranking ability. As such, the USABLE capacity(or "reserve capacity") of an LFX18 12V battery is on or very near par with 18AHr-rated lead acid batteries, while providing superior cranking performance and a vast reduction in weight. The Shorai PBeq AHr (lead-acid equivalent) rating system therefore allows users to compare a very different technology from lead-acid, but on a close apples-to-apples basis when making a choice.

                        Q. How does the LFX "CCA" cold-cranking rating compare to lead-acid Ahr ratings?

                        A.CCA ratings another way that lead-acid makers have tried to convey starting power. Unfortunately, their typical spec is based on a "half-nominal-voltage" delivery. That is, at their CCA spec, you can expect 7.2V delivered, at best; and 7.2V isn't useful, as you won't start a vehicle with it...

                        In any case, CCA ratings aren't about actually drawing that much current from a battery. The typical vehicle which uses a 200A CCA-rated battery, for example, will only draw 45A~80A from the battery. What the CCA rating really intends to convey is how much voltage will be delivered. Higher CCA rated batteries will deliver more voltage at the same actual cranking current. Our LFX are CCA rated to deliver 9V for a 5-second crank at the CCA rated current. (in fact, our average voltage delivered will be even higher during a 30-second crank. But our CCA ratings are intended to indicate not only a measure of voltage at true cranking currents, but also proper usage, which lead-acid do not) At actual cranking currents - which are always well below CCA, LFX deliver up to two volts more than an equivalent-CCA-rated lead acid battery. Current alone won't start anything. It is the current multiplied by voltage that does the work (watts). In reality, this means that you can multiply the LFX CCA rating by 1.5x to compare to a Lead Acid battery CCA. For example, our 270A CCA LFX18 series provides about the same cranking voltage as a 405A-CCA-rated lead acid battery (from a quality lead-acid maker; some CCA specs we've tested on the cheapest lead acid seemed to be plucked from thin air).

                        Q. Can I use Lead-Acid battery chargers or charger/tenders
                        A.Yes. HOWEVER, you may NOT use a charger/tender if it has an automatic "desulfation mode", which cannot be turned off. We have confirmed with Deltran, makers of the "Battery Tender" brand, that their products do NOT have a desulfation mode, and are therefore OK for use with Shorai LFX, for example. But the best possible charger/tender for Shorai LFX is the SHO-BMS01, which will be released on about March 15th 2011, we expect. It uses the 5-pin BMS port in the LFX batteries, in order to monitor, diagnose, and balance the individual cells during charge. And it also has an optimized storage mode that will give the longest possible service life to your LFX.

                        If you are storing your vehicle and want to check the remaining capacity, or you're a racer with a constant-loss system, you'll want to know how resting voltage (i.e. with no load or load under 200mA) maps to remaining capacity. LFX batteries should be maintained such that 20% capacity remains at minimum, as best practice. Use a good-quality voltmeter to check remaining capacity, and consider recharge whenever the battery capacity falls to about 50% remaining. Of course, if you get the Shorai dedicated BMS01 charger, you can just hit the "Store Mode" button and leave it to do the work for you.

                        Q. Should I use a battery tender?
                        A.The short answer is "only if you really need to". Most powersports enthusiasts have gotten used to hooking up a tender to their lead-acid batteries, all the time. Shorai LFX have much slower self-discharge than the best lead acid do (1/6 to 1/7, on average), they do not sulfate as capacity drops, and they are the ultimate "deep cycle" battery, which means that they can still crank your vehicle even if the remaining capacity is quite low. Therefore most riders will not need to use a tender at all. Even a charger or tender uses energy you have to pay for, and there is always the possibility that a charger or tender can fail in some way, so if not really needed the best practice is to not use one.
                        A fully charged LFX can sit for a year or more and still retain adequate starting capacity, without damaging the battery. As such, any vehicle which has no current flowing when the key is OFF should never need a tender. At most it should be charged every 6 to 12 months, depending on the average storage temperature (cool storage is much better for any battery). Many older vehicles and most dirtbike/atv fall into this category.
                        Newer vehicles may have a significant draw even when the key is OFF, to maintain clocks and computers, etc. In this case we expect that a few hours of riding per month will be all that is needed to avoid tending. If you know that you will go a number of weeks or months without riding, you can either attach a tender, or disconnect the negative cable from the battery. In any case, during storage you may use the voltage chart above and an accurate voltmeter, and consider recharging when the battery is around the 50% capacity remaining mark, or above.

                        Q. I hear that lithium crank poorly when it gets cold, is that right?
                        A.Lithium do increase in resistance more as temperature drops, compared to lead-acid. However, they also react to cranking under cold conditions in a much better way. Lead-acid will increase resistance on each subsequent cranking attempt, until it won?t turn over. If your LFX fails to start the engine on first crank, that first crank has warmed the battery, and the second attempt will be much stronger, and so on until you get a good start.

                        Shorai LFX are much better in cold-weather conditions than other-brand lithium starter batteries, due to our eXtreme-rate formulation with low resistance. Down to about 20 degrees fahrenheit (-7C) most users find that they can start normally on first crank. If your headlight comes on at key-ON, it is good for the batteries to flow some current before cranking in cold weather. The suggested headlight-on time before cranking depends on the temperature. If starting at 40f (5C), 30 seconds will help wake the battery and increase cranking performance. If at 0f (-17C), leave the lights on for 4~5 minutes before cranking. The result will be a better first crank, and longer battery life. Any other accessories that can be turned on before cranking can also be used for this purpose, such as heated gear, radio, etc...

                        Q. Can Shorai LFX be fully discharged and then disposed in regular garbage?
                        A.That depends on your municipal regulations. Shorai LFX meet the European RoHS standards for environmental health, and contain no lead. Check with your local authority to see if LiFePO4 batteries are allowed. If so, fully discharge the battery before disposal, using a 12V light bulb until no longer lit, for example. We expect that there will also be recycling available in some locations, and more coming in the years ahead.

                        Q. Can Shorai LFX be mounted in any position?
                        A.Yes. There are no liquids in the LFX batteries.

                        Q. How long will my LFX battery last?
                        A.That depends on many factors. Under the worst conditions, a lead acid battery may last only a few weeks and under the best about seven years (top-quality brands with regular use). In between you will find a wide variety of user experiences. Our research indicates an average of about 2 1/2 to 3 years lifespan for lead-acid. Under the same average usage conditions, we expect Shorai LFX to last roughly double, or 5 to 6 years. Under ideal usage and storage conditions, we expect 8 to 10 years to be achievable. Due to their lack of sulfation and slow-self discharge, Shorai LFX increase battery life most for users who sometimes store their vehicles for weeks or months at a time, and don't want to or can't use a battery tender.

                        Q.The terminal screws seem too short for my vehicle, which has thick cable eyelets. What can I do?

                        A.First, see the install guides on our site. They show how to use the foam padding (5mm shown, but 10mm sections may be even better) on the nut bottoms, so the nuts rise to the top of the terminals. This helps the screw threads catch the nut. If that isn't enough, note that the screws are M5x0.8 pitch. Any hardware store should have a selection of those, so take a terminal screw to compare and get slightly longer screws, as well as some washers to make sure that the screw doesn't penetrate "too far" when tightened down. We should also have longer screws in stock by Feb 2011, for the rare times when they'll be needed.

                        Q. Will Shorai be making batteries for cars?

                        A.We have no solid introduction date in mind for automotive versions at this time, nor do we explicitly recommend that our LFX be used in automotive applications, simply because they have not yet been certified internally for that application. However, we will be releasing 24 and 30 PbEq AHr versions in larger cases (for large touring bikes, in particular) by about end March 2011, and we expect car racers to adopt these at their own risk, as well as our current LFX18 series, either as single in small cars or wired in parallel for larger engines.

                        Q. I have created an account but there are no shipping options shown during checkout.
                        A.If you see the error "The address you provided is invalid" then there is likely an error in the shipping address you entered, and the real-time shipping validation is failing. To proceed, click on Edit Your Order at the error screen, then click on Edit My Address Book and correct your shipping ADDRESS, CITY, STATE or POSTAL CODE as needed.


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                          Originally posted by neeko72 View Post
                          queste sono le specifiche della shorai sostitutiva della ytz10s

                          Vehicle Replacement Batteries for Motorcycles, ATV, Watercraft, Snowmobile, Utility Vehicle

                          Inviato dal mio Samsung Galaxy S2 con tapatalk
                          se pensi che abbiano piu' Ah delle altre sbagli di grosso, li c'e' scritto che sono l'equivalente di una batteria al piombo da 14Ah, ma non possono che erogare 13.2v e 4.6Ah come tutte le altre batterie lifepo4 da 8 celle!

                          Non c'e' trucco non c'e' inganno, e' fisica e matematica ragazzi, 4 celle da 3.3v e 2.3Ah in serie danno 13.2v e 2.3Ah, metti due pacchi da 4 in parallelo e avrai 13.2v e 4.6Ah, non si scappa!


                          • Font Size
                            Originally posted by bananarama View Post
                            se pensi che abbiano piu' Ah delle altre sbagli di grosso, li c'e' scritto che sono l'equivalente di una batteria al piombo da 14Ah, ma non possono che erogare 13.2v e 4.6Ah come tutte le altre batterie lifepo4 da 8 celle!

                            Non c'e' trucco non c'e' inganno, e' fisica e matematica ragazzi, 4 celle da 3.3v e 2.3Ah in serie danno 13.2v e 2.3Ah, metti due pacchi da 4 in parallelo e avrai 13.2v e 4.6Ah, non si scappa!
                            esatto e ti dir? l'azienda che le ha fatte a me, ci ha lavorato non poco per arrivare a sfiorare i 4.6ah,perch? molte di quelle in commercio dichiarano 5ah e 4.6 ma alla fine non arrivano a 4.2 perch? nelle saldature si perte tantissimo, tra stagno e piombo, le mie sono saldate a punti con una speciale lega conduttrice che fa perdere pochissimo.


                            • Font Size
                              Originally posted by kindly View Post
                              esatto e ti dir? l'azienda che le ha fatte a me, ci ha lavorato non poco per arrivare a sfiorare i 4.6ah,perch? molte di quelle in commercio dichiarano 5ah e 4.6 ma alla fine non arrivano a 4.2 perch? nelle saldature si perte tantissimo, tra stagno e piombo, le mie sono saldate a punti con una speciale lega conduttrice che fa perdere pochissimo.
                              nulla che non possa essere fatto con il materiale d'assemblaggio Deans ...

                              io c'ho fatto pacchi batteria paurosi con quelle piastrine


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                                ho aperto un post per un eventuale gda per le batterie di marcello

