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carburazione dal quadro r1 peppata

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    carburazione dal quadro r1 peppata

    r1 2006

    intendo i parametri f1 f2 in fila a cosa corrispondono e se c'? diciamo una linea guida

    in quanto da una vecchia discussione che non riesco pi? a trovare c'era una lista di come ognuno se le era sistemata

    dalle istruzioni non capisco tanto

    in sostanza qualcosa da dare al mio mecca che sul banco almeno sa cosa corrisponde a cosa per smagrire o ingrassare
    Last edited by monsterluca; 14-04-17, 10:10.

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    Naggia nessuno si ricorda mi serviva proprio


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      Risolto si pu? chiudere.


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        F1 ? il co
        F2 ? il freno motore


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          Originally posted by yamahamania View Post
          F1 ? il co
          F2 ? il freno motore
          ma quindi sulla 04/06 peppizzata si puo regolare il freno motore???


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            Originally posted by Andre-Desmo View Post
            ma quindi sulla 04/06 peppizzata si puo regolare il freno motore???
            Si...c ? tanto di manuale yec


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              Originally posted by Andre-Desmo View Post
              ma quindi sulla 04/06 peppizzata si puo regolare il freno motore???
              No....solo dal modello 16v
              Last edited by Cosmocorse; 28-04-17, 19:20.


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                Originally posted by Cosmocorse View Post
                No....solo dal modello 16v
                Se vuoi e lo ritrovo ti mando una foto del manuale yec su whats app[YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE]


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                  Originally posted by yamahamania View Post
                  Se vuoi e lo ritrovo ti mando una foto del manuale yec su whats app[YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE]
         ho fatte decine!! Sono curioso... riporta quello che dice il manuale su freno motore

                  F0: Transfer to the adjustment mode is shown in the display area at the bottom RHS of the meter.
                  F1: This mode helps to stabilize idle running. Too rich an A/F may foul the spark plug. Too lean an A/F may cause unstable idle running and the engine may come to a stop.
                  F2: The engine speed range of 3000 rpm or higher can be changed at a throttle opening of 25% or less. A change in F2 produces an effect on “feel” experienced during engine brake activation and at the start of throttle opening. Make a change of 2 to 5% at a time, while checking any change. The rough A/F target is 12 to 14. F3: Range of 25 to 90% throttle opening. This range affects the feel, which is experienced as a result of the initial to half throttle opening. Jump-out at the start and hesitation at half-throttle opening may be solved by a leaner A/F. Make a change of 2 to 5% at a time, while checking any resulting changes.
                  F4: Adjusts the volume of fuel injected at any engine speed at a throttle opening of 90% or more. This mode constitutes the basic F5 to F9 data.
                  F5 to F9: Adjust the volume injected at individual engine speeds, at a throttle opening of 90% or more, but note that the adjusted values in these modes are based on the value adjusted in F4.
                  Example Let F5 be “+3” after letting F4 be “+3”. The volume of fuel injected in the F5 range will be represented by “+6”. Let F8 be “–6” after letting F4 be “+2”. The volume of fuel injected in the F8 range will be represented by “–4”.
                  Last edited by Cosmocorse; 28-04-17, 19:28.


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                    Originally posted by Cosmocorse View Post
           ho fatte decine!! Sono curioso... riporta quello che dice il manuale su freno motore
                    Io ancora ho sia la moto, sia la centralina che il manuale


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                        Originally posted by Cosmocorse View Post
               ho fatte decine!! Sono curioso... riporta quello che dice il manuale su freno motore

                        F0: Transfer to the adjustment mode is shown in the display area at the bottom RHS of the meter.
                        F1: This mode helps to stabilize idle running. Too rich an A/F may foul the spark plug. Too lean an A/F may cause unstable idle running and the engine may come to a stop.
                        F2: The engine speed range of 3000 rpm or higher can be changed at a throttle opening of 25% or less. A change in F2 produces an effect on ?feel? experienced during engine brake activation and at the start of throttle opening. Make a change of 2 to 5% at a time, while checking any change. The rough A/F target is 12 to 14. F3: Range of 25 to 90% throttle opening. This range affects the feel, which is experienced as a result of the initial to half throttle opening. Jump-out at the start and hesitation at half-throttle opening may be solved by a leaner A/F. Make a change of 2 to 5% at a time, while checking any resulting changes.
                        F4: Adjusts the volume of fuel injected at any engine speed at a throttle opening of 90% or more. This mode constitutes the basic F5 to F9 data.
                        F5 to F9: Adjust the volume injected at individual engine speeds, at a throttle opening of 90% or more, but note that the adjusted values in these modes are based on the value adjusted in F4.
                        Example Let F5 be ?+3? after letting F4 be ?+3?. The volume of fuel injected in the F5 range will be represented by ?+6?. Let F8 be ??6? after letting F4 be ?+2?. The volume of fuel injected in the F8 range will be represented by ??4?.
                        F2 il parametro velocit? motore di 3000giri o pi? pu? essere cambiata ad una apertura farfalla del 25% o meno
                        Una variazione di f2 va ad influire sulla reattivit? del gas sia in chiusura(engine brake-freno motore) che in apertura


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                          Originally posted by yamahamania View Post
                          F2 il parametro velocit? motore di 3000giri o pi? pu? essere cambiata ad una apertura farfalla del 25% o meno
                          Una variazione di f2 va ad influire sulla reattivit? del gas sia in chiusura(engine brake-freno motore) che in apertura
                          Non ho mai sentito influenze sul freno motore modificando F2..... ci far? pi? caso! Tu hai sentito benefici tangibili??
                          Last edited by Cosmocorse; 28-04-17, 20:16.


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                            Originally posted by Cosmocorse View Post
                            Non ho mai sentito influenze sul freno motore modificando F2..... ci far? pi? caso! Tu hai sentito benefici tangibili??
                            Perdona la schiettezza ma non parliamo di percettibilit? soggettive..
                            Il post si apre chiedendo a cosa servano quei due settaggi
                            E'stato dichiarato che il freno motore sia gestibile dalla 07
                            Il manuale yec smentisce
                            Questo ? quanto


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                              E la regolazione del minimo

