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    Originally posted by robb?rsm View Post

    Perdona la qualit? ma le ho scattate con il cell.

    Tubi per i liquidi:

    Tubo per i vapori:

    grazie robb?
    io oggi ho montatto i due sfiati serba e ho fatto un giro diverso , ma credo che alla fine conti il risultato e che non vadano a disturbare altri cavi e la forcella


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      E certo Miky....alla fine basta che arrivino e non intralcino.
      F? 2 foto e faccele vedere


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        Oggi sono arrivati questi

        Adesso devo tradurmi le ustruzioni....parlano di preparazione da 72 ore prima

        Dovr? per forza di cosa andare di traduttore (mazza se sono ignorante )


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          ...copione maledetto!!!


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            Originally posted by Poisoned Carrot View Post
            ...copione maledetto!!!
            Tu non ricordo nemmeno se hai MAI messo una foto della tua

            Aiutami piuttosto Albert: ti ricordi bene la procedura per il montaggio.

            Questa ? la descrizione:

            Installation instructions:

            (sportbike tank kits)

            "I'm not a sticker, don't treat me like one".
            Bike surface preparation / cleaning is crucial.

            The adhesive builds strenght over 72 hours. We recommend applying the product 24 hours before riding. The adhesive is pressure sensitive so the more pressure you apply, the better it will stick.
            Using a heat gun or hair dryer to heat up the tank and stompgrip will yeild the best results.

            1. Clean tank surfaces (3 to 4 times) with a cleaner that does not damage tank paint but leaves no residue. Make sure to allow all cleaner fumes to evaporate before applying the product or the adhesive can be contanibated. Heat up the Stompgrip and tank on your with a heat gun or hair dryer for best results.

            2. Apply Stompgrip by peeling the adhesive paper backing about an inch. Do not touch the adhesive. Line up the piece on your bike and stick the exposed area. Carefully apply form one edge to the other by pushing down on and between the traction bumps. Take care not to trap air bubbles as you go. As a final step, heat up the grip again and go back around the perimeter of the pad take extra care to make sure the edges have pressure applied.

            3. Go ride / race and enjoy increased control of your bike.


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              Originally posted by robb?rsm View Post
              Tu non ricordo nemmeno se hai MAI messo una foto della tua

              Aiutami piuttosto Albert: ti ricordi bene la procedura per il montaggio.

              Questa ? la descrizione:

              Installation instructions:

              (sportbike tank kits)

              "I'm not a sticker, don't treat me like one".
              Bike surface preparation / cleaning is crucial.

              The adhesive builds strenght over 72 hours. We recommend applying the product 24 hours before riding. The adhesive is pressure sensitive so the more pressure you apply, the better it will stick.
              Using a heat gun or hair dryer to heat up the tank and stompgrip will yeild the best results.

              1. Clean tank surfaces (3 to 4 times) with a cleaner that does not damage tank paint but leaves no residue. Make sure to allow all cleaner fumes to evaporate before applying the product or the adhesive can be contanibated. Heat up the Stompgrip and tank on your with a heat gun or hair dryer for best results.

              2. Apply Stompgrip by peeling the adhesive paper backing about an inch. Do not touch the adhesive. Line up the piece on your bike and stick the exposed area. Carefully apply form one edge to the other by pushing down on and between the traction bumps. Take care not to trap air bubbles as you go. As a final step, heat up the grip again and go back around the perimeter of the pad take extra care to make sure the edges have pressure applied.

              3. Go ride / race and enjoy increased control of your bike.
              Sono le solite raccomandazioni
              Nulla che non conoscessi gi?


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                non so se ce la farai da solo rob...ti conviene chiamare un carrozziere o un aerografista esperto


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                  Originally posted by feperis View Post
                  non so se ce la farai da solo rob...ti conviene chiamare un carrozziere o un aerografista esperto
                  Non pigliarmi per il culo tu

                  Mica faccio colloqui con Gresini e Melandri io
                  Io non ho mica finito le scuole, continuo ad essere ignorante.
                  L'unico Inglese che conosco ? quello di Youjizz


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                    Originally posted by robb?rsm View Post
                    Non pigliarmi per il culo tu

                    Mica faccio colloqui con Gresini e Melandri io
                    Io non ho mica finito le scuole, continuo ad essere ignorante.
                    L'unico Inglese che conosco ? quello di Youjizz
                    oggi ero con soldini...settimana prossima con


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                      Originally posted by feperis View Post
                      oggi ero con soldini...settimana prossima con



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                        Originally posted by jonny_rsv View Post



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                          Originally posted by robb?rsm View Post
                          Tu non ricordo nemmeno se hai MAI messo una foto della tua

                          Aiutami piuttosto Albert: ti ricordi bene la procedura per il montaggio.

                          Questa ? la descrizione:

                          Installation instructions:

                          (sportbike tank kits)

                          "I'm not a sticker, don't treat me like one".
                          Bike surface preparation / cleaning is crucial.

                          The adhesive builds strenght over 72 hours. We recommend applying the product 24 hours before riding. The adhesive is pressure sensitive so the more pressure you apply, the better it will stick.
                          Using a heat gun or hair dryer to heat up the tank and stompgrip will yeild the best results.

                          1. Clean tank surfaces (3 to 4 times) with a cleaner that does not damage tank paint but leaves no residue. Make sure to allow all cleaner fumes to evaporate before applying the product or the adhesive can be contanibated. Heat up the Stompgrip and tank on your with a heat gun or hair dryer for best results.

                          2. Apply Stompgrip by peeling the adhesive paper backing about an inch. Do not touch the adhesive. Line up the piece on your bike and stick the exposed area. Carefully apply form one edge to the other by pushing down on and between the traction bumps. Take care not to trap air bubbles as you go. As a final step, heat up the grip again and go back around the perimeter of the pad take extra care to make sure the edges have pressure applied.

                          3. Go ride / race and enjoy increased control of your bike.
                          ...e tu eri preoccupato per 'ste strunzate???
                 lo sto ancora aspettando 'sto maledetto stompgrip...era esaurito quello per la mia moto!!!!!!!!!!
                          Dovrebbe arrivarmi ad inizio mese!
                          ...per le foto, vedrai che presto ti accontento...per? sfigurano sempre e comunque di fronte alle vostre, mannaggia la minchia!!!


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                            Originally posted by Poisoned Carrot View Post
                            ...e tu eri preoccupato per 'ste strunzate???
                   lo sto ancora aspettando 'sto maledetto stompgrip...era esaurito quello per la mia moto!!!!!!!!!!
                            Dovrebbe arrivarmi ad inizio mese!
                            ...per le foto, vedrai che presto ti accontento...per? sfigurano sempre e comunque di fronte alle vostre, mannaggia la minchia!!!
                            A me sono arrivati in 1a settimana dall'Inghilterra


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                              Oggi pomeriggio mi è arrivata 1a mail...
                              domani mi consegneranno personalmente 1a cosina ,
                              ma non è lo scarico
                              Last edited by robb?rsm; 23-02-10, 21:17.


                              • Font Size
                                ho visto adesso che moto spettacolare hai.....
                                bello il suzuki

