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KTM sta fallendo, pare che venerdì

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    Un annetto fa si respirava già cattiva aria per chi aveva contatti nel settore. Fecero una bella offerta lavorativa ad un mio amico molto molto tentato a trasferirsi in Austria e per sua fortuna lo convinsi a ripensarci.

    Quello che non ha perso andando a firmare quel contratto lo perde in prosciutti che deve a me per ringraziarmi


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      Originally posted by ReLuca View Post
      Un annetto fa si respirava già cattiva aria per chi aveva contatti nel settore. Fecero una bella offerta lavorativa ad un mio amico molto molto tentato a trasferirsi in Austria e per sua fortuna lo convinsi a ripensarci.

      Quello che non ha perso andando a firmare quel contratto lo perde in prosciutti che deve a me per ringraziarmi
      Eh mi sa... anche perchè quando l'azienda è sotto di qualche centinaia di milioni.... non so se funziona come in Italia con e tutele eh...

      Ma se non ci sono soldi.... ti pagano in moto?


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        Originally posted by mito22 View Post

        Eh mi sa... anche perchè quando l'azienda è sotto di qualche centinaia di milioni.... non so se funziona come in Italia con e tutele eh...

        Ma se non ci sono soldi.... ti pagano in moto?
        La mia ex slovena, si trasferì a Graz per lavoro, prese casa ecc. Passato il periodo di prova, l'azienda aveva fatto investimenti per una commessa che sarebbe dovuta entrare ma che alla fine persero. Licenziata in tronco. Quindi direi di no, non ci sono tutele come qui.
        Per sua fortuna la Slovenia non è lontana e può tornare almeno dai suoi, sta di fatto che dopo che affronti un trasloco e un arredamento di una casa, non è simpatico rimanere a piedi.


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          Originally posted by ReLuca View Post

          La mia ex slovena, si trasferì a Graz per lavoro, prese casa ecc. Passato il periodo di prova, l'azienda aveva fatto investimenti per una commessa che sarebbe dovuta entrare ma che alla fine persero. Licenziata in tronco. Quindi direi di no, non ci sono tutele come qui.
          Per sua fortuna la Slovenia non è lontana e può tornare almeno dai suoi, sta di fatto che dopo che affronti un trasloco e un arredamento di una casa, non è simpatico rimanere a piedi.
          Ah ecco... auguri prendere soldi... come quelli che lavoravano per Motociclismo da che ho capito...


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            L'azienda promette di pagare gli stipendi di dicembre, ma non ha ancora liquidato quelli di novembre e le gratifiche natalizie​.


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              ​3 miliardi di euro?

              ​da gpone​​
              Last edited by Zolla1; 29-11-24, 14:27.


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                Originally posted by ReLuca View Post
                Un annetto fa si respirava già cattiva aria per chi aveva contatti nel settore. Fecero una bella offerta lavorativa ad un mio amico molto molto tentato a trasferirsi in Austria e per sua fortuna lo convinsi a ripensarci.

                Quello che non ha perso andando a firmare quel contratto lo perde in prosciutti che deve a me per ringraziarmi
                allora vedete che è come dicevo io che è impossibile che succeda dall'oggi al domani..
                Anche perchè si sarebbero bruciati tutte le vendite.
                COmprare una ktm oggi è un atto "coraggioso" non per i ricambi che di sicuro si tanti aspetteranno l'evolversi della situazione...ed altri busseranno alla concorrenza


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                  questa cosa mi lascia basito

                  fino a qualche anno fa per me KTM era solo quella delle moto da cross, che stava iniziando a espandersi nelle moto da strada, ma niente di che. Invece con mio sommo stupore scoprii che dall'oggi al domani era diventato il più grande costruttore europeo.
                  Sempre dall'oggi al domani, ora scopro che sta fallendo

                  Evidentemente hanno fatto il passo più lungo della gamba, senza consolidare la loro posizione.
                  Però è veramente assurdo


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                    Ieri cmq. il titolo ha fatto un balzo a +28.... ma dopo che aveva perso 87%.....

                    Vedem.... ma la vedo molto nera....


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                      Io sono fiduciosa per natura e anche in questo caso sento che ne verrà fuori


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                        Originally posted by Frenchiu View Post
                        Io sono fiduciosa per natura e anche in questo caso sento che ne verrà fuori
                        I buchi di soldi son buchi di soldi però....

                        Vedremo.... dipende chi li coprirà quei buchi...... vediamo gli indiani....


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                          Il diritto societario non è lo stesso in tutti i paesi, e le situazioni appaiono diverse in base agli occhi di chi guarda.

                          Una grande e valida azienda in crisi qui viene descritta come un grande fallimento.... altri la guardano come un facile investimento, tutto pronto, ready to race, basta metterci il grano e hai jna potenza in mano, bella e pronta


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                            Originally posted by Frenchiu View Post
                            Il diritto societario non è lo stesso in tutti i paesi, e le situazioni appaiono diverse in base agli occhi di chi guarda.

                            Una grande e valida azienda in crisi qui viene descritta come un grande fallimento.... altri la guardano come un facile investimento, tutto pronto, ready to race, basta metterci il grano e hai jna potenza in mano, bella e pronta
                            Esattamente, KTM non è un'azienda in cancrena.... dovrà trovare un suo bottom e poi da lì riconsoliderà e ripartirà.
                            Non scordiamoci che KTM ha sempre prodotto e continuerà a produrre tra le migliori moto off-road, cross, enduro soprattutto, e questo settore sarà di nuovo le solide fondamenta per consolidare.

                            Tipo che KTM produce oltre 100mila moto cross enduro....
                            Mica bruscolini


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                              EQS-News: PIERER Mobility AG / Key word(s): Annual Results
                              PIERER Mobility confirms revenues and earnings in 2023
                              27.03.2024 / 07:00 CET/CEST
                              The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

                              Corporate News

                              Ad hoc announcement pursuant to article 53 LR

                              Wels, March 27, 2024

                              PIERER Mobility confirms revenues and earnings in 2023
                              • Revenues: EUR 2,661 million (+9.2 %)
                              • EBIT: EUR 160 million (previous year: EUR 235 million)
                              • EBITDA: EUR 323.5 million (-15.1 %)
                              • Unit sales: motorcycles 381,555 (+1.6 %)
                              • Unit sales: bicycles 157,358 (+33 %)
                              • Employees: 6,184 (+1.6 %)
                              • 2024 outlook

                              Revenues and earnings in the 2023 financial year

                              The PIERER Mobility Group increased group revenue by 9.2 % to € 2,661.2 million (previous year: € 2,437.2 million) in the 2023 financial year despite difficult economic conditions and upheaval in the bicycle industry. Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) fell by around 32 % to € 160.0 million (previous year: € 235.3 million). This corresponds to an EBIT margin of 6.0 %. At € 323.5 million, EBITDA was around 15 % below the previous year’s figure. The EBITDA margin is 12.2 %.

                              As already reported, the Executive Board, in agreement with the main shareholder Pierer Bajaj AG, will propose to the Supervisory Board and the Annual General Meeting a dividend of € 0.50 per dividend-bearing share for the 2023 financial year on the basis of the result achieved.

                              In the 2023 financial year, € 284.0 million was invested in further growth, of which around € 195.1 million was invested in product development & tools, € 88.9 million in plant & infrastructure. The research budget was 9.2 % of revenue in the year under review. As in previous years, significant investments were made mainly in development projects and the purchase of tools and equipment in 2023. As a result of measures such as supporting the dealer structure and stabilizing the financial situation of some critical suppliers, the negative free cash flow, which amounted to € -413.0 million (previous year: € -2.8 million) in 2023, was deliberately accepted. Thanks to the strong equity base and long-term financing, sufficient liquidity reserves are available on a sustainable basis. The equity ratio as at the reporting date was 30.8%.

                              As of December 31, 2023, the PIERER Mobility Group had a total of 6,184 employees (previous year: 6,088), thereof about 5,000 in Austria. Approximately 1,300 employees or around 21 % of the workforce are engaged in research & development. 2023, around € 3.9 million was invested in staff training and education. As of the balance sheet date, about 220 apprentices were employed and trained in 25 different professions.

                              Motorcycles unit sales: 381,555 (+2%)

                              The 2023 financial year was very much defined by a major model rollout with a total of 72 new and revised models from the three core brands: With 280,206 KTM motorcycles sold, 67,462 Husqvarna motorcycles sold and 29,532 GASGAS motorcycles sold in the 2023 financial year, plus the motorcycles sold by MV Agusta (1,852) and CFMOTO (2,503), PIERER Mobility achieved sales of 381,555 units (2022: 375,492 units). The motorcycle division thus achieved a 1.6 % increase in unit sales. In the European sales regions, unit sales were 140,214 units (+15%). At 241,341 units, two thirds of the motorcycles were sold in markets outside Europe: In India, sales rose particularly sharply (+29 %) with 66,426 motorcycles sold. Despite a slight decline in North America (-7.7 %), the subsidiary there managed to sell 101,277 units. While sales fell in South America with 27,671 units sold (-26.4 %) and in Asia with 23,129 motorcycles sold (-27.3 %), sales of 19,648 units in Australia were slightly above the previous year's level (previous year: 19,478 units) (+1 %).

                              Despite the difficult global economic conditions, motorcycle registrations in the core markets of Europe rose very strongly at a rate of +11 % and also displayed a significantly positive trend in North America (USA & Canada) at +4 %. In 2023, the market share of all three brands (KTM, Husqvarna, GASGAS) was therefore around 10.6 % in Europe and 12.6 % in North America. The Australian motorcycle market (including New Zealand) stagnated slightly with a 3 % decline in newly registered motorcycles. Nevertheless, the total market share of the three brands increased to 21 % overall. By contrast, as in the previous year, the relevant Indian motorcycle market is seeing a noticeable upswing (+22 %). Bajaj sold around 66,000 KTM and Husqvarna motorcycles in India, resulting in a market share of 5.3 %.

                              Bicycles unit sales: 157,358 (+33 %)

                              In the bicycle division, 157,358 bicycles were sold (previous year: 118,465), thereof 100,640 were e-bicycles (previous year: 74,479) in the 2023 financial year. Around 87 % of sales were in Europe and here in particular in the DACH region. A further 10 % were in the North American sales region and the remaining sales (around 3 %) were in Asia, South America and Australia.

                              Strategic projects


                              The strategic cooperation witch CFMOTO was stepped up in the 2023 financial year. On the one hand, the subsidiary CFMOTO Motorcycles Distribution GmbH took over the distribution of CFMOTO motorcycles in five European countries in February 2023. On the other, the long-standing activities in relation to industrialization projects in the established joint venture with CFMOTO were promoted and the series production of mid-range KTM models was expanded further. In addition, production capacity will be doubled.

                              Takeover of majority stake in MV Agusta S.p.A.

                              An important milestone for the company was the acquisition of a majority stake in the Italian premium motorcycle manufacturer MV Agusta S.p.A., in which KTM AG acquired a 25.1 % stake back in November 2023. On March 15, 2024, the existing call option to acquire a majority stake in MV Agusta Motor S.p.A. was exercised early by KTM AG and the stake increased to 50.1 %.

                              2024 outlook

                              For the 2024 financial year, the Executive Board expects that the global economic environment will continue to be difficult, driven not least by ongoing high rates of inflation and wage and salary trends, with far-reaching effects on pricing worldwide. The PIERER Mobility Group will use 2024 as a year of consolidation to strengthen its core business as a result of the economic policy that is damaging the location and having a very negative impact on global competitiveness. The cost reduction measures already initiated in the 2023 financial year will be continued intensively and supported by further relocations of production and development capacities to the joint venture partners in India and China. The total cost savings will amount to tens of millions in the 2024 financial year.

                              Key figures 2023 of PIERER Mobility Group (consolidated)
                              Earnings figures 2022 2023 Chg.
                              Revenues EURm 2,437.2 2,661.2 9.2%
                              EBITDA EURm 381.1 323.5 -15.1%
                              EBITDA margin 15.6% 12.2%
                              EBIT EURm 235.3 160.0 -32.0%
                              EBIT margin 9.7% 6.0%
                              FURTHER FINANCIAL KEY FIGURES:
                              Earnings and cash flow indicators 2022 2023 Chg.
                              Earnings after taxes EURm 170.6 76.4 -55.2%
                              Free Cash Flow EURm -2.8 -413.0 <100%
                              Balance sheet figures 2022 2023 Chg.
                              Balance sheet total EURm 2,550.6 2,952.9 15.8%
                              Equity EURm 914.4 909.3 -0.6%
                              Equity ratio 35.8% 30.8%
                              Net debt EURm 256.5 775.9 >100%
                              Gearing 28.1% 85.3%
                              Other 2022 2023 Chg.
                              Capex1) EURm 267.5 284.0 6.1%
                              Employees Headcount 6,088 6,184 1.6%

                              1) Excluding lease additions (IFRS 16) in the amount of mEUR 32.5 (previous year: mEUR 25.9)

                              Der Annual Financial Report and the Sustainability Report for the 2023 financial year will be published on March 27, 2024, and will be available on the company’s website under the following links



                              About the Group

                              PIERER Mobility AG is the holding company of Europe’s leading manufacturer of powered two-wheelers, producing a full range of premium brands including KTM, GASGAS, Husqvarna and MV Agusta Motorcycles. With its innovative strength, PIERER Mobility is a pioneering technology leader in two-wheeled e-mobility through its motorcycle brands. Husqvarna and GASGAS E-Bicycles complement the two-wheeler range. The premium brand range also includes high-performance components under the WP brand and special KTM X-BOW high-performance sports cars.

                              Legal disclaimer



                              Investor Relations

                              Melinda Busáné Bellér

                              Tel: +43 (0) 1 533 1 433 - 70



                              ISIN: AT0000KTMI02; Swiss Valor Number (Switzerland): 41860974; Ticker Symbol: PKTM; Bloomberg: PKTM SW, PKTM AV; Reuters: PKTM.S; PKTM.VI

                              27.03.2024 CET/CEST This Corporate News was distributed by EQS Group AG.

                              Language: English
                              Company: PIERER Mobility AG
                              Edisonstrasse 1
                              4600 Wels
                              Phone: +43 (0) 7242 69 402
                              ISIN: AT0000KTMI02
                              WKN: A2JKHY
                              Listed: SIX, Vienna Stock Exchange
                              EQS News ID: 1868021
                              Valorennummer (Schweiz): 41860974 Wertpapierkürzel: PKTM Bloomberg: PKTM SW; PKTM AV Reuters: PKTM.S; PKTM.VI
                              End of News EQS News Service


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                                Praticamente in forte crescita fino a quasi tutto il 2023, chiudendolo comunque con fatturato al massimo storico, ma con ebit inferiore a -15%

                                Secondo me in pochi anni si riprendono, se il contorno macroeconomico non è un disastro

