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Africa EcoRace 2018

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    Africa EcoRace 2018


    Tuesday January 2nd 2018
    Stage 1: NADOR / DAR KAOURA: 639 km
    Liaison: Nador / Ameziane: 5 km
    Special stage: Ameziane / Merada: 92 km
    Liaison: Merada / Dar Kaoura:496 km
    Assistance: 623 km

    Wednesday January 3rd 2018
    Stage 2: DAR KAOURA / AGDAL: 479 km
    Liaison: Dar Kaoura / Merzouga: 29 km
    Special stage: Merzouga / Foum Zguid: 443 km
    Liaison: Foum Zguid / Agdal: 7 km
    Assistance: 433 km

    Thursday January 4th 2018
    Stage 3: AGDAL / ASSA: 421 km
    Start at the bivouac
    Special stage: Foum Zguid / Assa: 400 km
    Liaison: Assa / Bivouac: 21 km
    Assistance: 366 km

    Friday January 5th 2018
    Stage 4: ASSA / FORT CHACAL: 501 km
    Start from the bivouac
    Special stage: Assa / Fort Chacal: 499 km
    Transfer to the bivouac : 2 km
    Assistance: 583 km

    Saturday January 6th 2018
    Stage 5: FORT CHACAL / DAKHLA: 632 km
    Liaison: Fort Chacal / Laayoune: 21 km
    Special stage: Layoune / Bir Anzarane: 436 km
    Liaison: Bir Anzarane / Dakhla: 175 km
    Assistance: 554 km

    Sunday January 7th 2018
    Rest Day

    Monday January 8th 2018
    Stage 6: DAKHLA / CHAMI: 650 km
    Liaison: Dakhla / Boulanouar: 429 km
    Special stage: Boulanouar / Chami: 211 km
    Transfer to the bivouac: 10 km
    Assistance: 561 km

    Tuesday January 9th 2018
    Stage 7: CHAMI / CHAMI: 508 km
    Transfer to the start of the special stage: 2 km
    Special stage: Chami / Chami: 486 km
    Transfer to the bivouac: 20 km
    Assistance: 0 km

    Wednesday January 10th 2018
    Stage 8: CHAMI / AMODJAR: 478 km
    Transfer to the start of special stage: 2 km
    Special stage: Chami / Azougui: 439 km
    Liaison: Azougui / Amodjar: 37 km
    Assistance: 699 km

    Thursday January 11th 2018
    Stage 9: AMODJAR / AMODJAR: 486 km
    Liaison: Amodjar / Chinguetti: 73 km
    Special stage : Chinguetti / Chinguetti: 34 km
    Liaison: Chinguetti / Amodjar: 73 km
    Assistance: 0 km

    Friday January 12th 2018
    Stage 10: AMODJAR / AKJOUJT: 453 km
    Liaison: Amodjar / Atar: 45 km
    Special stage: Atar / Akjoujt: 408 km
    Finish at the bivouac
    Assistance: 208 km

    Saturday January 13th 2018
    Stage 11: AKJOUJT / ST LOUIS: 558 km
    Start from the bivouac
    Special stage: Akjoujt / Fimlit: 219 km
    Liaison: Fimlit / St Louis: 339 km
    Assistance: 501 km

    Sunday January 14th 2018
    Stage 12: ST LOUIS / DAKAR: 292 km
    Liaison: St Louis / Niokhob: 230 km
    Special stage: Niokhob / Lac Rose: 2 km
    Transfer: Lac Rose / Dakar: 40 km
    Assistance: 283 km

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    Italiani in gara

    101 Paolo CECI
    107 Paolo CAPRIONI
    109 Franco PICCO
    112 Walter DALMASSO
    120 Simone AGAZZI
    190 Giovanni STEFANI (Quad)


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      Last edited by Rix; 03-01-18, 19:49.


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          c'? anche un equipaggio italiano nei camion, su iveco, capitanato dal grande beppe simonato


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            non essendo una gara fim, posson partecipare anche le moto oltre 450 e pluricilindriche..
            in quest'ediizione, oltre un paio di ktm 660 e di lc8 c'? un francese, n.180 che partecipa con una datata honda xl 600...


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                    Africa Ecorace ? la classifica al giro di boa

                    Dopo la quinta tappa di ieri ? arrivato il giorno di riposo per i partecipanti al Raid Africano, e si pu? gi? tirare qualche somma sulla gara.

                    Degna di nota ? sicuramente la prestazione del nostro Paolo Ceci, con prestazioni solidissime sta conducendo la gara con addirittura 59 minuti dal secondo, Luis Oliveira, sopratutto dopo l'uscita di scena del prncipale rivale Ullevalseter; Molto bene anche un'altro nostro connazionale Franco Picco al 6? posto; 24? Simone Agazzi e 25?Caprioni Paolo.

                    Domani si riparte con la sesta tappa:
                    DAKHLA / CHAMI: 650 km
                    Liaison: Dakhla / Boulanouar: 429 km
                    Special stage: Boulanouar / Chami: 211 km
                    Transfer to the bivouac: 10 km
                    Assistance: 561 km

                    Classifica provvisoria:

                    Video 5a Tappa:



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