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Hypertarocco a Hollywood!

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    Hypertarocco a Hollywood!

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    Manca la freccia sul manichino di Cameron Diaz.

    E' una Aprilia SXV usata (a detta di Ducati) solo in una scena dello spot del film Knight & Day



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      E beh...d'accordo con le esigenze "funzionali", ma per il cinema la prima regola ? essere Fotogenici e belli come il sole.

      Per questo la Hyper ? la pi? Hollywoodiana di tutte.

      Mica si pu? accoppiare Cameron e Tom con una GSXR '01 qualsiasi..


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        la prima Prilia bella


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          Scusa Davide eh....

          ..hai voglia a mettere frecce.. ..prima fr? tutte per il manichino di Cameron Diaz come detto da SimoSimo.. ..poi telaietto posteriore e avantreno..


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            ma non capisco proprio il perchè


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              Originally posted by @Sky@ View Post
              ma non capisco proprio il perch?

              It appears that the Aprilia is being used as the stunt bike for the movie, performing jumps, slides and other difficult tasks, while the Ducati is used for close ups and low speed shots where Cruise and Diaz are actually riding it.

              So why are the movie's creators ditching a sponsored placement for a bike from a rival brand? Simple, the Hypermotard is too heavy and too fragile to pull off the stunts the schlocky action flick requires, but the SXV is lighter, has longer travel suspension and is built specifically to take this kind of abuse. The two bikes aren't actually rivals, competing in different segments. The SXV is a proper lightweight supermoto where the Hypermotard is a larger, faster, more practical street bike. We're in no way saying the Ducati is a bad bike, it's just not built to do stuff like this.

              The Aprilia SXV550 weighs just 268lbs (dry) to the Ducati Hypermotard 1100's 379lbs (dry) figure. That makes the Aprilia easier to control and gives the SXV's suspension an easier time landing jumps. Like other supermotos based on dirt bikes, the SXV should also be quicker to accelerate in the specific environment of these stunts -- low speeds and short distances -- due to that lower weight and its very short gearing.

              What's all this mean? Well for starters, that's not Tom Cruise riding when you see the bike jumping or sliding. While the totally heterosexual movie star does ride, the studio's not going to let him do so at high speed in nothing but a chambray shirt and a smile. The other conclusion should be equally obvious, while the Hypermotard is an awesome street bike, it's in no way capable of performing most of the stunts you'll see in the movie, that stuff is better left for CGI special effects and proper dirt bikes.


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                Originally posted by TuonoBlack View Post

                It appears that the Aprilia is being used as the stunt bike for the movie, performing jumps, slides and other difficult tasks, while the Ducati is used for close ups and low speed shots where Cruise and Diaz are actually riding it.

                So why are the movie's creators ditching a sponsored placement for a bike from a rival brand? Simple, the Hypermotard is too heavy and too fragile to pull off the stunts the schlocky action flick requires, but the SXV is lighter, has longer travel suspension and is built specifically to take this kind of abuse. The two bikes aren't actually rivals, competing in different segments. The SXV is a proper lightweight supermoto where the Hypermotard is a larger, faster, more practical street bike. We're in no way saying the Ducati is a bad bike, it's just not built to do stuff like this.

                The Aprilia SXV550 weighs just 268lbs (dry) to the Ducati Hypermotard 1100's 379lbs (dry) figure. That makes the Aprilia easier to control and gives the SXV's suspension an easier time landing jumps. Like other supermotos based on dirt bikes, the SXV should also be quicker to accelerate in the specific environment of these stunts -- low speeds and short distances -- due to that lower weight and its very short gearing.

                What's all this mean? Well for starters, that's not Tom Cruise riding when you see the bike jumping or sliding. While the totally heterosexual movie star does ride, the studio's not going to let him do so at high speed in nothing but a chambray shirt and a smile. The other conclusion should be equally obvious, while the Hypermotard is an awesome street bike, it's in no way capable of performing most of the stunts you'll see in the movie, that stuff is better left for CGI special effects and proper dirt bikes.


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                  Originally posted by Luke#80 View Post
                  Scusa Davide eh....

                  ..hai voglia a mettere frecce.. ..prima fr? tutte per il manichino di Cameron Diaz come detto da SimoSimo.. ..poi telaietto posteriore e avantreno..

