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Guardate che spettacolo di Scarichi

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    Originally posted by ruggero
    Oggi vado dopo tanta attesa vado a prendere lo scarico assimetrico FAE by Fresco.

    Grandissimo Ruggero vedrai che bel casino montarli, no scherzo tutto combacia. Io ho isolato la fascetta metallica che regge gli scarichi con gomma siliconica e ho rifatto l'attacco di metallo al reggisella......foto postate, le stesse foto le ho mandate a Fabrizio della FAE per vedere il lavoro. Il suono senza db killer è pauroso, tuona veramente tanto!

    Last edited by noxmot55; 28-03-06, 09:37.


    • Font Size
      nn male per per il bicilindrico italiano d'eccellenza termignioni rulez e basta


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        noxmot55, é il sistema completo ? da titanium?


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          Originally posted by MV-999R
          noxmot55, ? il sistema completo ? da titanium?
          Asimmetric not in titanium. My moto is a 749 base and this choice is pretty good for performance, I've installed the power commander too.


          • Font Size
            Originally posted by noxmot55
            Asimmetric not in titanium. My moto is a 749 base and this choice is pretty good for performance, I've installed the power commander too.
            Ah, ok.
            But it eliminates the cataizator, right?


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              Originally posted by MANZU
              nn male per per il bicilindrico italiano d'eccellenza termignioni rulez e basta
              Si ma differenze estetiche dal temrignoni all'originale meno di zero a parte il rivestimento in carbonio, ho fatto questo scelta per scostarmi dai 1000 termignoni che vedi montati su 749-999 troppo ingombranti e pesanti a livello estetico. Poi se date un occhiata al banco, il termignoni asimmetrico ? un kit inutile che buca dai 6000 ai 9000 peggiorando rispetto all'originale. 1600 euro per il kit DP che oltre al sound non danno assolutamente nulla. Ne ho spesi meno della met? e con il rimanente ci piazzo qualche modifica in pi?.


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                Originally posted by MV-999R
                Ah, ok.
                But it eliminates the cataizator, right?
                Of course the kit is: exhaust, pipe without catalizator,db killer,omologation sheet.


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                  Originally posted by noxmot55
                  Of course the kit is: exhaust, pipe without catalizator,db killer,omologation sheet.
                  Hmmm..... great.
                  Do you know if FAE makes discounts for racing?
                  And how will a half system like that one work without a pc3 and just with the oem chip??


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                    Originally posted by MV-999R
                    Hmmm..... great.
                    Do you know if FAE makes discounts for racing?
                    And how will a half system like that one work without a pc3 and just with the oem chip??
                    I don't know if Fabrizio, the owner of FAE, makes discounts for racing you should ask him if it's possible. If you don't know any word in italian send me an email and I translate your request then I can send an email to Fae explaining your situation, my email is:


                    • Font Size
                      Originally posted by noxmot55
                      I don't know if Fabrizio, the owner of FAE, makes discounts for racing you should ask him if it's possible. If you don't know any word in italian send me an email and I translate your request then I can send an email to Fae explaining your situation, my email is:
                      Thanks a lot for the help offer
                      I'll send you an email after lunch.


                      • Font Size
                        you could ask Jimmy88: he would give you any info you need
                        Last edited by Martor; 29-03-06, 14:16.


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                          Originally posted by Martor
                          you could ask Jimmy88: he would give you any info you need
                          Thanks Martor

                          Is he a member here and does he work for FAE?

                          noxmot55 already translated my email to Fabrizio, so i'll wait for the reply.


                          • Font Size
                            The nick is Jimmy88 and he is an Account Manager for FAE


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                              Io monterei lo SHARK!a parte che come sound non ha rivali e poi l avete visto il terminale e sottile come quello della sbk e non grosso come quello termignoni!


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                                Originally posted by celem
                                Molto molto belli!Anche xch? scarichi belli x la nostra bimba non se ne trovano molti!
                                Solo perch? non se ne trovino molti non significa che siano belli... a me non piacciono affatto, meglio i termignoni.. poi i gusti son gusti

