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Ma è sempre meglio partecipare no?
Che intendi gray fox? C'? il manuale d'officina online?!?!
Intendo il manuale di officina che ? uscito con la 1199. Non ? pi? un pdf ma una sorta di "minisito" nel quale ci naviga dentro. Per? non ? online ma lo devi scaricare, ed ? in formato iso.
Io ho quello per la 1199.
What do you mean gray fox? Is there a workshop manual online.
I Already find the owners manual and the parts manual online, but want to have the work shop manual.
If you have a link, please can post here or send to me gray-fox.
I mean that the manual is not in pdf but it's a sort of "offline website". You have to buy or download in .iso format, and than u can browse into that.
In this .iso there're the parts, owners and workshop manuals.
I got the 1199 one.
I can open it also in mac computer, but it's better to use this file in windows pc cause there's an .exe file inside that launches everything.