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We were surprised to find a fairly light YTB7-BS battery on the bike that weighed a little over 6 lbs/ 120CCA. Out of curiosity we tried a Shorai battery 2.19lbs/270CCA.
1199 started much faster and saved about 4 lbs.
Nothing we had was a direct bolt on--so we made up a kit to fit the bike:
Penso che preferisco l'acciaio ma sinceramente non vedo troppe controindicazioni considerando i carichi ridicoli che deve sostenere, basta che la qualit? sia buona e che sia pallinata a dovere.
We were surprised to find a fairly light YTB7-BS battery on the bike that weighed a little over 6 lbs/ 120CCA. Out of curiosity we tried a Shorai battery 2.19lbs/270CCA.
1199 started much faster and saved about 4 lbs.
Nothing we had was a direct bolt on--so we made up a kit to fit the bike:
interessante, quindi a parte il peso ridotto, l'avviamento risulta anche pi? pronto...ottimo!