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Ma è sempre meglio partecipare no?
oggi ho aperto il sito aprilia e vi ? il link per prenotare una delle prime 150 V4 fuctory, il prezzo 20.000? e in pi? corso di guida in pista e biglietti per la SBK!
oggi ho aperto il sito aprilia e vi è il link per prenotare una delle prime 150 V4 fuctory, il prezzo 20.000€ e in più corso di guida in pista e biglietti per la SBK!
devono produrle.... 150 appunto... magari giugno se la tengono cone data limite... magari chi va in fiera provi a chiedere info piu' dettagliate... anche se, in fiera in genere non sanno molto... entro il 2010 o 2010 compreso.....perchè 3000 moto in un anno per come si sta mettendo la situazione economica non è così tanto facile...
The minimum required production quantities consist of units with identical
equipment intended for sale to customers.
Evidence of production quantities must be certified by the manufacturer?s
auditing firm and/or any other institution which may provide reliable
documentation. This certificate must be written in English or French and
the model/type must be specified.
Market Availability and sale to the public may be demonstrated by waybills,
bills of lading and/or any other import, export or customs documents duly
certified by the relevant authority. FIRST TIME APPLICATION FOR HOMOLOGATION
A manufacturer requesting a homologation for the very first time in its existence
must follow the procedure below.
? The manufacturer must have produced at least a quantity of
125 motorcycles prior to the homologation inspection. The motorcycle
must be on sale to the public at that time.
? The minimum quantity of 500 units must be reached by the end of
September of the current year.
? The minimum quantity of 1000 units must be reached by the end of
December of the current year.
? From 2010 onwards the minimum quantity will be 3000 units.
? All motorcycles must be identical to the model to be homologated with the
same specifications.
? Proof of production quantities must be provided by certified
documentation as stated in Article 2.9.2.
? The FIM will withdraw the homologation if these rules are not respected. SUBSEQUENT HOMOLOGATIONS
A manufacturer who has previously homologated a motorcycle and is
requesting a homologation must follow the procedure below:
? The manufacturer must have produced at least a quantity of
250 motorcycles prior to the homologation inspection. The motorcycle
must be on sale to the public at that time.
? The minimum quantity of 1000 units must be reached by the end of
June of the current year.
? From 2010 onwards the minimum quantity will be 3000 units.
? All motorcycles must be identical to the model to be homologated with the
same specifications.
? Proof of production quantities must be provided by certified
documentation as stated in Article 2.9.2.
? The FIM will withdraw the homologation if these rules are not respected.